Remove Your Wrinkles Healthy and Naturally




When the tomb of Tutankhamun, Pharaoh’s Egyptian son, was opened, archaeologists revealed enormous hidden treasure, and among the rest, scientists found papyrus with an old recipe against wrinkles, and sagging skin, i.e. something that prevents the process of growing old – cocoa oil, wring herbs balsam mixed with living organism fat.

Pharaoh’s recipe against oldness was not different at all from many others that have been recommended throughout centuries, including every possible preparation of bear fat to pitch and turpentine.

How do wrinkles appear?

Wrinkles appear as a result of changes, a collagen, a protein that represents the fiber part of human skin. Collagen makes us young. It takes 1/3 of the whole percentage of proteins in our organism and 70% of conjunctive tissue. Young skin and conjunctive tissue contain mainly elastic and dilute collagen that due to these properties, can absorb moisture and swell up.

This continuing process of moisturizing can add to the young elastic skin look smooth and soft. But due to sun exposure, smoking, and temporal growing old of skin, oxidation damaging of sun can appear. This damage equals grapes that start drying.

In the organism, this chemical process conveys appearing of inductive collagen, which is not elastic, it can’t absorb water and it doesn’t swell. By losing elasticity and moisture, wrinkles appear especially on these parts of the body that have been exposed to the sun: the face, neck, and arms.

Many commercial hydrating substances cell by advertising that they revitalize dilute collagen and make skin younger, so that they provide the cell the possibility to absorb more liquids and remove wrinkles. To be honest, I’m not so convinced of the positive effects of these preparations, but before you spend a fortune on these things, I suggest that you should try some natural methods.

How To Remove Wrinkles Naturaly

12 Healthy Plants for Smooth – Like a Baby – skin

Many plants that have antioxidant properties and smoothing effects are used for wrinkle removal. Antioxidants are substances that remove free radicals, and highly reactive oxygen molecules that damage body cells.

Smoothing substances moisturize skin and make it more elastic.

Horse Chestnut (wild chestnut) – (Aesculus Hippocastanum) and Witch-Hazel (mountain elm) – (Hamamelis Virginiana). Testing 65 herb extracts, Japanese scientists discovered seven – that have shown antioxidant properties to prevent skin from growing old.

Rosemary and Salvia are two more that keep the pack of yoking prevention with Horse Chestnut and Witch Hazel. Many skin creams that consist of these four herbs are among the most expensive.

Carrot. It is rich in vitamin A, and if it is lacking in your organism, your skin dries. Carrot contains the antioxidant beta-carotene. I recommend you snack on one or two carrots per day, not only for preventing skin aging but for cancer prevention, too. You can also think about carrot oil for external usage. Simply, put one carrot in a mixer and the liquid put on your face as a skin mask.

Cocoa. It is the main softening substance used in making lotions for skin cosmetics. Cocoa butter is a favorite tool against wrinkles by Dr. Albert Leung, an expert in pharmacognosy, who I gladly recommend.

Coconut Oil is another similar tropical substance for smooth skin.

Almond oil has been mentioned, even in the Bible to be efficient and helpful.

Aloe. It is thought that Cleopatra put aloe gel every day on her face. Josephine, Napoleon’s wife, added aloe to her milk and prepared a face–skin lotion. She also consumed aloe.

Pineapple. I read in a state of a doctor in Ohio (Pardon me, I forgot his name). There, he claims that pineapple, its skin, and seeds remove callus. I wouldn’t doubt squeezing it in a blender and putting the blender – result on my face, so that I start up dead cell removal on the skin surface.

Castor oil has been used even in ancient times until now. It is often used in make-up preparation. It is a substance with evident results and great benefits.

Grape Wine contains substances that help you peel dead cells from the skin. This is another substance in cosmetics and in many lotions for wrinkle removal. But, instead of cosmetic preparations why wouldn’t you use natural sources? You can refine grape wine in a blender and make yourself a skin mask. Wash your face 15-30 minutes after.

By the way, drink water as much as you can or lemon water for better taste. Watch your diet and see results after 3 weeks. You will not only reduce your wrinkles you will lose weight also.

Skin Care – Wrinkles – Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies

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