The Health Education Of Kneipp Is Still Top Natural-Medicine Subject




In the foreground the healing powers of nature are based on the five elements of Kneipp’s doctrine such as water, food, herbs, movement and life.

In the tread and arm baths the user can see how the refreshing power of water stimulates the entire body, promotes and harmonises. Alfred Metzenroth, Chairman of the Association of Kneipp Lörrach, has set focus but also lectures on the diet and tried and tested means of Hydropathy movement and dancing for members this year on the program.

One encounters “lived Kneipp” also in resorts such as Bad Bellingen, where summer as winter strongly frequented the Kneipp facility in the Balinea Spa. Guests bravely trudging through the cold water and this praise the positive effect on the veins.

Almost as still the local priest of Wörishofen Kneipp you initially at the Berggasthof Waldhaus in Schweigmatt by the Bach, as the owner of the Inn told. A well renovated twenty years ago served as arm basin. in 1989, the today’s small water-treading system was created and opened in 1991. The operator of hotel, Frank Uehlin, as well as his guests are sure to do something good for the body’s defense against both the traditional arm basin and the water walking. Children love the cool foot bath on warm days.

Kneipp Walking

Health Education of Kneipp

The health education of Kneipp is still comprehensive. According to the motto “For every disease an herb is grown”, the healing effect was supported by tea, bath preparations, ointments or juices. His work describes alone 80 herbs have also been applied. Most are used today even substance. On the subject of eating a full diet is recommended. Plant foods supplemented with milk and dairy products, little meat, fish and eggs are preferred. In the foreground are fresh foods prepared gently and with little fat.

As much as possible go and it was the best barefoot at Kneipp. Moderate exercise recommended he and held little of rush and stress, because both at the price of health go. This means recreational sports such as hiking, swimming, walking, yoga, cycling, horseback riding, jogging, tennis, gymnastics and skiing. The sport should be fun and bring the circuit up to speed. Performance and resting in the ideal interaction strength body, mind and soul. All the body’s systems find their balance and make people resilient, looser, more powerful, and overall calmly.

The order of life as the last pillar aims to keep the balance between the healthy preserved in the people on the one hand and the burdensome requirements of the environment on the other side or to restore. Life also means to become aware of his personal and collective responsibility for health. Healthy behavior is learnable and means of want responsibility impressive dealing with personal resources. In its comprehensive sense, regulation therapy according to Kneipp is also difficult by a more modern term to replace.

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