7 Things That Will Happen When You Start Doing Planks Every Day




Plank is one of the most effective exercises for our entire body.

You need to train regularly and have strong core muscles to do the plank successfully. It will help support your spine and build your core.

We present you with the benefits you’ll get by doing this exercise daily.

1. Improved Core Definition and Performance

Plank engages all major groups of core muscles: the glutes, external oblique muscle, rectus abdominus, and transverse abdominus.

If you strengthen these muscles, you will get the following benefits:

  • Glutes. A supported back and strong and well-shaped buttocks
  • Oblique muscles. Better capacity for side-bending and waist-twisting
  • Rectus Adbominus. Six-pack abs and improved jumping
  • Transverse Abdominis. Improved capacity to lift heavy weights

2. Reduced Risk of Injury in the Back and Spine

You will build your muscles without putting too much pressure on the spine or hips. Your muscles will be strengthened. Your back pain was reduced, and your whole back was supported.

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3. Boosted Metabolism

If you do the plank daily, your body will burn more energy and improve your metabolism, while maintaining the metabolic rate high during the entire day.

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4. Improved  Posture

You will have a stable and straight posture all the time since the abs have a profound effect on the state of your chest, back, neck, and shoulders.7 Things That Will Happen When You Start Doing Planks Every Day 4

5. Improved Overall Balance

If you can’t remain in a straight position while standing on one leg, your abdominal muscles aren’t strong enough to give you the balance you need. Doing side planks will not only improve your balance but also your overall capacity in all types of exercise.7 Things That Will Happen When You Start Doing Planks Every Day 5

6. High Flexibility

While doing planks, your collarbone, shoulder blades, and shoulders are expanded and stretched. Moreover, you also stretch your hamstrings, arches, and toes. If you do side planks you will also work on your oblique muscles which will improve the stretching abilities of your toes. This is important when it comes to supporting the weight of the body.

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7. Mental Benefits

This exercise affects the nerves and mood. The groups of muscles which contribute to stress and tension are stretched out during the plank. This calms our brain, and it’s especially beneficial in cases of anxiety and depression, of course, if done daily.7 Things That Will Happen When You Start Doing Planks Every Day 7

If you do the plank for 5 to 10 minutes a day, you will notice many improvements in your health.

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Via Natural Healthy World | Fit My Foot

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