7 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Magnesium




Do you often feel chocolate cravings at different periods of the day? Have you ever had muscle spasms that were so intense that you woke up in the middle of the night? Are you having sleeping difficulties and problems? If the answer to any of these questions is affirmative then you are probably experiencing magnesium deficiency.

A significant number of Americans are Healthline. What is even worse, most of them are not aware that they are not getting enough magnesium. On the other hand, many nutritionists claim that this is the most important mineral because it has a direct impact on more than 300 enzymatic processes that aid our body’s proper functioning.

That’s why we have decided to highlight the seven most common signs of magnesium deficiency, based on scientific research.

1. Sleeping Problems And Sleep Disorders

According to some statistics millions of Americans find falling asleep difficult and many of them have sleeping problems and disorders. Magnesium is very important for the proper functioning of the central nervous system. Those who don’t take enough magnesium may face insomnia. In addition, the level of magnesium in the body lowers at night, so those who don’t have enough magnesium experience reduced quality and quantity of REM sleep and this is the most important sleep cycle for getting rest.

2. Muscles Spasms Or Cramps

In case you’ve experienced one of these, you are probably aware of how unpleasant they can be regardless of your activity –sleeping, walking, sitting, etc. Muscle cramps are a direct result of muscle spasms. These spasms are described as unintentional muscle contractions. With the help of magnesium, you will be able to relax and calm muscles in all body parts and when you don’t have enough magnesium in the system, muscles will start contracting unintentionally.

3. Increased Anxiety

Magnesium is known as the strongest mineral when it comes to relaxation. In case you are dealing with anxiety, this is usually an early warning sign that comes from your central nervous system as a result of magnesium deficiency. So, next time when you feel anxious, simply take 200 mg of magnesium and you will feel more relaxed.

4. Chocolate Cravings

Dark chocolate is the type of chocolate that is richest in magnesium. Only one square of dark chocolate comes with 24% of our daily value of magnesium. Intense and frequent chocolate cravings are a symptom of magnesium deficiency. Your body is sometimes the best indicator of what it needs.

5. Constipation

In case you have to deal with constipation regularly, this is another symptom of a lack of magnesium in the body. When the levels of magnesium are low, the intestines tend to contract more and the stool faces more difficulties to pass. Magnesium will relax the bowels and contribute to a regular bowel rhythm, but it will also provide an osmotic effect. Magnesium attracts water in the bowels and makes the stool softer. Use magnesium citrate for best results in case of constipation.

6. Arrhythmia/Irregular heartbeat

It is not unusual for modern people to experience heart arrhythmias. In case this happens, doctors usually prescribe medications. The heart is the biggest muscle which means that the cardiovascular system relies on magnesium when it comes to proper functioning. If the heart doesn’t get enough magnesium, it cannot contract in the right way which leads to irregular heartbeats.

7. Hypertension

Most people don’t have any idea why they have to deal with high blood pressure even though they are following a healthy natural diet. Lack of magnesium may be the answer to their dilemmas. Magnesium can dilate and relax blood vessels. Those who are suffering from magnesium deficiency experience increased blood vessel constriction which leads to high blood pressure. Getting enough magnesium supports the proper balance of electrolytes too. If these electrolytes are not balanced well, you can expect high blood pressure.

Even if you have only one of these symptoms, you should try to increase magnesium intake and see the difference.

How to increase magnesium levels?

First and foremost, eliminate the foods that drain nutrients like sugar and flour. Increase the intake of foods that are rich in magnesium like avocados, meat, nuts, and leafy green veggies. If you want to use chocolate to replenish the level of magnesium in the system eat dark chocolate with 70% cocoa. Don’t eat more than one ounce of chocolate a day.

Even those who practice a healthy diet will probably still need magnesium supplements. Find a high-quality magnesium supplement that comes as magnesium glycinate. The dose should be between 400 mg and 1000 mg per day.

Via Mind Body Green

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