Emotional Intelligence: Captured in Emotional Turmoil if Human Society




Does Emotional Intelligence exist?

Let me introduce you to this TRUE STORY. Please read the story carefully to the end. We believe that we can make the world a happier place to live.

Like everyone, I have been betrayed by the so-called “adults”, which were themselves betrayed by their parents. Like every one of us, I came to this world connected to a “source”, slowly they cut off this connection and replaced it by tricking me that they were the ones to be connected with. And the game of indoctrination started…

They “know” better as they have experience of life on this planet. You have to think this way. You have to believe like that…

How it does hurt when you do not behave the way you should conform? They make you pay by rejection, fears, lies, and so on. You become just like a puppet, trying to please everyone…

But do people know what Emotional intelligence is?

The ability to identify and use emotions in a positive direction, known as emotional intelligence helps in building a stronger relationship. Family relationships are mostly affected by the lack of emotional intelligence.

What about you???

You have been pushed into little forms. You desperately looked for somewhere to belong and you go through ebbs and flows… One day you just sit down and isolate yourself and maybe for the very first time in your life, you start thinking for yourself… What is this all about??? And who and what am I?

Overcomnig Depression

Slowly one step at a time start the unrevealing truth, your truth with synchronicity events, books, and quotes, some people enter your life offering you messages that only you can understand, because it does resonate within yourself, are appearing.

While this process is happening, you discover a feeling, faint at first but getting stronger. A feeling of wholeness, completeness, and connection. A feeling of deep peace of mind, of “joie de vivre” and of freedom of being. All your anger, disappointments, rages, sorrows, and inadequacies felt for so long are lifted off and you start laughing about it all…

Turmoil of Human Society

Does everyone have the ability to identify and control the emotions of oneself or others?

Your only concern with living authentically your truth is becoming your way of life. You no longer care about what others think or might think about you. You offer to those who want to free themselves tools, support, and encouragement for them to do their work and nothing else. You simply wish they find their truth…

It is their job! No one else but them can free themselves! Sometimes parents in the chase of their happiness forget that they have children. These children are left on their own or slapped by the rough hand of life.

  • Are parents in cases like these the killers of the normal life of their children?
  • Moreover, can parents determine the course of their children’s lives?

Children like the person in this story, are marked in life in many ways. Maybe, not everybody can see this but these children have bruised souls and hearts full of scars.

  • Can they be the creators of their destiny or they are doomed to Cary the stone of their bad faith?
  • In addition, do destiny and bad faith exist or everybody can continue with normal life despite all the trauma they have been through?

Some people have always been part of a normal family and mentally healthy environment: no stress nor fights, no divorced parents. Addressed to these:

  • What would you do and how would you create your life if you were part of a family that does not seem much like normal?
  • What would you do in order not to repeat the mistakes of your parents, or your children are doomed to have the same destiny as you did???
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