Meet The Silver That DESTROYS 650 Different Pathogens & HEALS Inflammation in 72 Hours




Liquid gold is out of fashion, so it is time to learn more about liquid silver.

To be more precise, we will talk about colloidal silver. This specific substance is made with the help of the process of electrolysis to extract metallic, pure elemental silver in water that has been distilled. People have used colloidal silver for medicinal purposes for centuries.

The truth is that modern medicine has still not recognized the health benefits of colloidal silver, but there are a growing number of scientific studies that have confirmed that this special tonic should be part of our regular treatments of many ailments.

In this article, we will present 15 amazing uses and benefits of colloidal silver. In addition, we will explain how to find the right healing colloidal silver. The good news is that you can find high-quality varieties on the Internet.

1. Against Everything

It turns out that colloidal silver is an excellent natural antibiotic and its efficiency is based on the strong antimicrobial properties it has.

Many people may find this claim interesting and new, but the truth is that people in Ancient Greece and Rome used this substance to prolong the shelf life of their beverages and foods.

This silver can eliminate bacteria, viruses, and fungal infections too.

Scientific research conducted five years ago has confirmed that the nanoparticles of colloidal silver have the ability to serve as an efficient replacement for most of the common antifungal treatment options for health issues related to Candida.

In addition, a scientific study in Taiwan has shown that colloidal silver is able to destroy two super microorganisms resistant to regular antibiotics. These superbugs are known as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and MRSA.

In addition, this type of silver is very efficient when it is mixed with regular antibiotics against Staphylococcus and MRSA infections.

As a matter of fact, experts in the 80s found more than 600 kinds of the pathogen that were eliminated fast once they were affected by small quantities of colloidal silver.

2. Combat Inflammation

Apply some colloidal silver externally to soothe discomfort and pain that comes as a result of inflammatory reactions and swelling. It can also accelerate healing and support fast recovery.

The experts at the NIH (National Institutes of Health) were focused on determining the connection between the impact of colloidal silver on pigs with skin inflammation and they have concluded that the pigs that were treated with this specific substance were almost fully recovered after three days while pigs that were untreated has the same level of inflammation as before.

Of course, don’t forget that your diet can worsen or soothe inflammation.

3. Soothe Eye Infections

Colloidal silver provides antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects which means that it can ease and heal eye infections including sties, conjunctivitis, and pink eye. The best part is that the treatment is very simple. Just add three drops of this silver directly to the affected eye and perform his procedure three times a day.

You can also use colloidal silver in the form of spray or eyewash in case this kind of application is more comfortable for you.

4. Heal Ear Infections

There are many things that lead to ear infections, but in many cases, different kinds of bacteria and fungus are the direct cause for this unpleasant situation. n situations like this, the popular prescription drugs may be completely useless because they are created to fight only certain types of bacteria.

That’s where the colloidal silver comes into the picture. This silver eliminates a wide range of fungus and bacteria. There are many reports that colloidal silver is effective against a swimmer’s ear too.

5. Eases Cuts, Burns, and Scratches

This compound supports the tissue and skin healing process and lowers inflammation at the same time. This means that colloidal silver is an ideal natural remedy for small scrapes and cuts.

In addition, scientific research revealed in the reputable Pharmacognosy Communications, suggests the use of colloidal silver in burns treatment (externally).

6. Soothe Skin Problems

Unfortunately, our skin can suffer from many different health issues including pimples, psoriasis, whiteheads, blackheads, inflamed skin, and cysts. These are all unpleasant and painful problems that affect our appearance.

It doesn’t really matter whether these skin conditions come as a result of the presence and activity of fungi, viruses, or bacteria because they can be soothed and eliminated by silver colloidal treatment.

In addition, this compound can accelerate the recovery of affected tissues.

The best idea is to use silver colloids before bedtime directly on the affected area and you should be able to witness the results after three days.

7. Remove Sinus Infections

Sinusitis is defined as a constant feeling of pressure and/or pain in the facial area and almost completely blocked nasal passage. This condition has a direct impact on the quality of life.

Doctors usually recommend the use of antibiotics, steroids, and different painkillers to control and eliminate this condition, but most of them come with specific side effects.

Luckily, there are several natural remedies that provide the same results without side effects. For example, colloidal silver is very effective when it is used in the form of a nasal spray and this claim was confirmed in a study revealed two years ago during the Forum for Allergy and Rhinology.

So, slowly tilt the head back and use a few drops directly in the nose.

8. Defeat Flu and Common Colds

Due to the fact that colloidal silver is a very powerful antimicrobial substance, it is no surprise that it can significantly lower the intensity and length of flu and common colds. When people experience the first symptoms of flu and colds they are usually given decongestants.

However, the Drug Agency in Italy has issued a warning urging people to avoid the use of these prescription drugs in kids under the age of 12.

This warning served as an inspiration for conducting a scientific study focused on the impact of a mixture of beta-glucan and colloidal silver against a saline mixture on nasal congestion in kids.

Scientists have discovered that although both groups experienced improvement, nine out of 10 colloidal silver users were able to recover entirely while only 6 out of 10 from the ones that used saline solution were able to achieve the same.

9. Take Care of Pneumonia

Dr. Axe claims that antibiotics provide only limited effects when it comes to combating pneumonia and bronchitis. Of course, when pneumonia comes from a viral infection, we can’t expect any positive effects from antibiotics.

The good news is that colloidal silver is able to combat a huge range of pathogens so it may provide relief in cases like this.

In situations like this, colloidal silver must be ingested internally or inhaled with the help of a nebulizer. Dr. Axe advises the use of one teaspoon of this silver, three times a day for about 15 minutes in order to eliminate these problems. The treatment should not last more than three days.

10. Heal a Sore Throat

If you want to ease the pain in your sore throat that comes as a result of the activity of different pathogens in it, just gargle for a while with colloidal silver.

Use one or two tablespoons of this silver and gargle for up to two minutes. Perform this procedure no more than five times a day until you are fully healed.

Keep in mind that you must spit this substance out of the mouth so you can eliminate the microbes that dwell in the oral cavity. Feel free to use colloidal silver in the form of a spray.

11. It Can be Used on Other Living Beings Too

We should also mention that colloidal silver is beneficial for our pets too.

For instance, you can use it to heal minor wounds and cuts, infections, ear, and eye infections, and even ringworm in your dogs. If it is used orally, you should use up to 10 drops of colloidal silver, two times a day. When you use it to clean the wounds, use a cotton swab to smear it a few times per day.

In cases of ear infection, use a couple of drops a day for no more than ten days, and in cases of ear infections use just one drop, three times a day.

Colloidal silver is good for cats too. It has proven to be very effective against MRSA, skin conditions, yeast infections, tear stains, and acne in cats.

12. Excellent for Gardeners

Another interesting thing about colloidal silver is that this substance is not good only for medicinal issues. For example, it has the ability to eliminate fungus and similar infections in plants.

A scientific study revealed five years ago in the reputable Mycobiology journal, has shown that using nanoparticles of silver directly on green onion roots can entirely destroy specific fungal infections that are able to kill the plant.

So, add some colloidal silver directly to the plant’s base or just mix it in a regular spray bottle (use distilled water) and spray the problematic roots and leaves.

13. A Completely Natural Wash for Fruit and Vegetables

We all know that purchasing or growing organic fruit and veggies is the best option, but there are cases when we can’t follow this recommendation.

If you want to keep yourself safe from regular products, create a mixture based on colloidal silver and use it as a natural wash for fruit and veggies.

In order to prepare this remedy, pour one cup of regular water into ½ cup of vinegar and put two teaspoons of table salt. Wait until it is dissolved. In the end, pour a ¼ cup of colloidal silver. Put your fresh fruit and veggies in the mixture and let them soak for about five minutes.

Finally, rinse them well and you’ll get a product free of chemicals.

14. Preserve The Freshness of Flowers

Pack your house with attractive blooms and enjoy their long freshness by pouring a small amount of colloidal silver into the vases. It sounds odd, but there is a scientific study to back this claim.

Two years ago, experts from the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Department of Horticulture) discovered that small particles of silver have the ability to stop the bacterial activity which blocked the transportation of moisture and nutrients to the head of the flower.

However, when they have mixed colloidal silver with water (at 35 ppm), all the flowers kept their beautiful petals for two times as long as the plants that were not treated with colloidal silver.

15. Eliminate Pet Odor

Pet odor is definitely something that can ruin your comfort. Who wants to enter a home that smells like pet urine or other types of pet odor?

In case you own a cat that is fond of spraying its urine around your home or a dog who believes that it has to mark the territory even when it is at home, try sprinkling the problematic areas with colloidal silver solution.

Many people claim that this solution is able to eliminate the odor and prevent further marking in that area in the future.

When it comes to pet odors in general or if you want to make pet beds and sofas fresher, create a mixture of filtered water and colloidal silver, put it in a bottle, and mist the area.

Note: As we have already said, colloidal silver is a completely natural antibiotic and this remedy should not be used for a long period of time because overusing it can eliminate good bacteria too.

Via Scielo | Human Health

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