The Best 16 Natural Home Remedies for Swollen Legs




Swelling of the feet and ankles without pain is a widespread problem these days, especially when it comes to older people. It is the result of excessive accumulation of fluid in the feet, ankles, and legs, known as edema.

This painless swelling may have an impact on both legs and it can also spread to the calves and even reach the thighs. This occurrence is especially visible in the legs because of the forces of gravity.

What leads to this swollen legs occurrence?

Swollen legs, feet, and ankles are usually related to some of these situations:

  • Leg inflammations and infections,
  • The process of aging,
  • Being obese or overweight,
  • Blood clots in the legs,
  • Blood vessels located in the legs that are not working properly (they can’t pump back blood to the heart).

Injuries or surgeries related to the ankle, foot, or leg can also lead to swelling. This occurrence can also be related to pelvic surgery, especially those performed in cases of cancer. Those who stand on their feet for most of the day and those who have just got out of the plane or car after a long ride can also notice swelling in the ankles and feet.

Women who use estrogen or women in certain periods of the menstrual cycle can also face swollen legs. The vast majority of women have swelling in the period of pregnancy. However, severe swelling may be a clear sign of toxemia or preeclampsia. This is a serious medical condition that is often manifested through swelling and high blood pressure.

Swollen legs can also be a manifestation of kidney problems, or heart, or liver failure. Whenever some of these problems occur the body experiences difficulties when it comes to fluid regulation.

Some medications can also lead to swollen legs:

  • Blood pressure medicines like amlodipine, nifedipine, nicardipine, diltiazem, felodipine and verapamil,
  • Steroids,
  • Hormones like testosterone, and estrogen (used in hormone replacement therapy and contraceptive pills),
  • Medicines used in cases of depression include monoamine oxidase inhibitors (tranylcypromine and phenelzine) and tricyclics (amitriptyline, desipramine, and nortriptyline).

Before we present the best natural remedies, please see how to prepare this Most Powerful Herbal Tea for Swollen Legs.

The Best Natural Remedies for Swollen Legs

  1. Raise your legs above your heart while lying down. Place a pillow under your legs and stay like that for half an hour. Try to repeat this action three times a day every day.
  2. Exercise your legs. This practice helps pump fluid from your legs back to your heart. Of course, you will also feel better in general.
  3. Follow a low-salt diet, which may reduce fluid buildup and swelling. Don’t exclude salt from your menu because salt is a necessary part of our diet, but try to reduce the intake.
  4. Wear support stockings (sold at most drug and medical supply stores). You can also use compression or support socks.
  5. When traveling, take breaks often to stand up and move around. Try to stand up and stretch or go to the bathroom if possible.
  6. If you sit for long periods, get up and walk around a bit. This is especially useful for people who do desk jobs.
  7. Avoid wearing tight clothing or garters around your thighs. They don’t allow proper blood circulation.
  8. Lose weight if necessary. As you are aware the weight from the upper part of your body puts pressure on your legs. This can lead to inflammation.
  9. Stop smoking ASAP. Those who want to be healthy in general should stop smoking as soon as possible. Smoking is one of the causes of swollen legs, but it also leads to many health problems.
  10. Drink plenty of water. Although swelling means that you have extra fluid in your body this has nothing to do with water intake. Water helps the system’s detoxification.
  11. Massage the affected area. This is a natural way to stimulate blood circulation. It will also make you feel relaxed. The best idea is to find a professional masseuse.
  12. Soak your feet in Epsom salt. Use some Epsom salt in your bathwater and you will make all the discomfort from your body go away.
  13. Use magnesium supplements. Lack of magnesium in the body can lead to swelling. Our body needs about 350 mg of magnesium per day, but before using this supplement you should consult your doctor.
  14. Practice yoga. It is a well-known fact that exercise stimulates blood circulation. Yoga is the perfect choice because it can be practiced by people regardless of their age and physical condition.
  15. Use Some Grapefruit Essential Oil. Next time you have a warm bath make sure to add a few drops of grapefruit essential oil in it.
  16. Swimming or even floating in water. By doing this exercise you will reduce the pressure in your legs.

Don’t stop taking any medicines you suspect may be causing swelling without consulting your doctor.

Sources: Medline Plus | Healthy And Natural World

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