In case you are one of those people who are not fond of classic yoga exercises and you can’t understand nor practice breathing exercises, you must take one thing into consideration – several scientific studies have confirmed that people who are involved in this type of exercises are able to reduce stress and anxiety up to 50%. Sudarshan Kriya yoga also known as breathing exercises are a special set of breathing techniques that are able to significantly reduce stress and anxiety – up to 50% in about half a year.
The good news is that there is a simple and short form of exercise that provides the same effect. It lasts only five minutes.
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How To Reduce Stress and Anxiety
First of all, apply pressure with your thumb on the left nostril and close it. Breathe in and breathe out with the help of your right nostril and after that press the right nostril with the help of the index finger and breathe in and breathe our through your left nostril.
Keep changing the nostrils through which you will breathe for about five minutes. In case you follow this exercise on a daily basis, you will soon start feeling better.
In case you think that you are prepared for advanced exercises, take a close look at this video:
Via Psychologytoday