MIND Diet Can Significantly Help You Avoid Alzheimer’s Disease




We are all aware of the difficulties that Alzheimer’s disease brings and this is probably the reason why so many people are looking for a way to reduce the risk of developing this disease.

What if we tell you that there is a way to reduce this risk in a simple and tasty manner? You will probably be very excited, right? Learn more about the MIND diet.


The interesting name of this diet comes from Mediterranean and DASH diets. A team of scientists from the Rush University in Chicago have researched this diet and they have published the results in the respected Alzheimer’s and Dementia magazine.

More than 900 adults (an average age of 80) were part of this study which lasted for 5 years and during this period about 16% of the participants have developed Alzheimer’s disease.

What is interesting is that the people who were strictly practicing the MIND diet were about 7,5 years younger speaking cognitively and had a 50% reduction in facing Alzheimer’s disease compared to those who have practiced only small parts of this diet.

In addition, those who were following the MIND diet had significantly lower rates of hypertension, stroke, and diabetes.

Another thing that is worth mentioning is that despite increased calorie intake they had a much lower BMI.

This interesting diet requires a minimum of 3 servings of daily leafy greens and whole grains a day and one vegetable, poultry, and beans a few times a week. In addition, people should consume fish once a week, nuts five times a week, and one glass of wine a day. Foods that can be taken in limited amounts include cheese, butter, sweets, stick margarine, fried foods, and red meat.

The only fruit that can be taken is berries. Olive oil is used as a primary oil. With the help of this dieting pattern, you will be able to lower oxidative stress, inflammation, and insulin resistance.

This pattern is different from the Mediterranean because it relies on daily leafy greens, is focused on berries, and doesn’t recommend dairy and fruit consumption in large amounts.

By adding berries in oatmeal for breakfast, having almonds as snacks, and a spinach salad boosted with vegetables and beans for lunch and dinner that consists of fish, quinoa, and asparagus you will have a healthy and delicious daily menu.

If you want to learn more about MIND eating visit the Brain Wellness website.

Via Rush University Medical Center

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