How to Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil to Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer




Breast cancer is one of the most frequent types of cancer in women and it is responsible for the death of more women than the rest of the cancers, except IFL Science.

Many natural ingredients can help women reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Estrogen metabolism, free radical damage, and breast density are some of the factors that significantly increase the chances of developing this type of cancer. On the other hand, ingredients found in the so-called Mediterranean diet, olive oil for example, can reduce these risk factors.

Olive Oil to Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer

There are many articles related to the use of olive oil as a remedy and in this article, we will talk about the role of olive oil in the prevention of breast cancer and how to use olive oil to reduce the risk of breast cancer in the right way.

There are several scientific studies and reports that have described how olive oil can aid women in reducing the chances of developing breast cancer.

The European Study – Extra Virgin Olive Oil for Breast Cancer

A recent study published in the reputable European Journal of Cancer Prevention states that women who lived in the area around the Mediterranean Sea had significantly reduced the risks of developing certain diseases including cardiovascular diseases and cancers.

The study has shown that olive oil and olive are one of the main reasons why people were able to lower the risks. These products are rich in antioxidants or lignans to be more precise, and some other substances that can lower the risk factors linked to developing cancer.

The Spanish Study – Olive Oil and Tumor Cells

A scientific study conducted at the Catalan Institute of Oncology in Spain has provided even more information about the effects of olive oil and cancer growth.

This study was focused on the isolation of a specific compound found in olive oil that singles out the so-called HER2 score compound in cancer tumors. Scientists have determined that certain compounds found in olive oil, like the aforementioned compound, are practically eliminated with the process of heating. This means that olive oil should be taken raw.

In addition, this study has shown that olive oil tries to destroy cancer cells and they also confirmed that Extra Virgin Olive Oil (also known as EVOO) consumption decreases the malignancy of cancer tumors.

The Greek Study – the link between Mediterranean Diet and Breast Cancer

Greek scientists have conducted research which included about 15.000 women and the research lasted for one decade. They were focused on monitoring the eating habits of all these women and evaluating their habits on a scale between 0 and 9 in terms of closeness with the traditional Mediterranean diet.

The study has shown that women after menopause who practiced the Mediterranean diet which is rich in olive oil were able to reduce the risk of breast cancer by about 25%. Although the practice of the Mediterranean diet didn’t bring any changes in the risk factors in premenopausal women, the fact is that breast cancer is not very common in Mediterranean countries.

Olive Oil and Breast Cancer – How Much to Take?

There is no doubt that hundreds of scientists from every part of the world are working hard to find a cure or at least some progress in the field of breast cancer research. Whilst, indeed, scientists are still not able to determine how exactly olive oil helps with the reduction of breast cancer risk, it is also true that the Mediterranean diet and extra virgin olive oil consumption can help to reduce almost all risk factors that contribute to the development of breast cancer.

Start using olive oil in your diet today. Add two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil to your meals every day. You can add it to your salad, and use it on meat, fish, or vegetables before you start roasting or baking these meals.

More breast cancer-related stories:

Via Healthy and Natural World

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