Meet The Essential Oil That Could Stop Cancer in Its Tracks




Essential oils contain potent agents which stop the spreading of cancer cells, and which cease them completely. Scientists no longer neglect their ability to prevent diseases, one of which is cancer.

The frequency of a healthy body ranges from 62 MHz to 78 MHz, whereas a disease occurs at 58MHz. On one frequency testing, it was noted that the frequency of a man holding a cup of coffee has reduced from 66 to 58 MHZ in a period of just three seconds. His frequency returned to normal after three days.

According to other research, positive thoughts increase the frequency of our body on average by 10 MHz, and negative ones reduce it by an average of 12 MHz.

Researchers have studied Healthline, mint, lemon, jasmine, grapefruit, lavender, thyme, chamomile, cinnamon, and rose, which are some of the most popular essential oils nowadays, and they found out the way these oils can fight cancer. For that purpose, they used antibacterial potency tests and in vitro toxicology against cancer cell lines in humans.

Calibrated Frequency Monitor (CFM) was developed by Bruce Tanio of Tainio Technology and head of the Department of Agriculture at the University of Eastern Washington, and its purpose is to measure the essential oils’ frequency and their influence on human frequencies once they are applied on the human body. This frequency in relation to cancer has been also studied in the Essential Oils laboratory with the help of a CFM.

The immunologist Mahmoud Suhail explains that the beginning of cancer occurs when the DNA code within the nucleus of the cell becomes corrupted. It turns out that some essential oils have the ability to inform the cell about the right DNA code.

Must Be Therapeutic Grade

All sorts of essential oils are currently selling on the market, but most of them have low quality as they are synthetically manufactured and diluted with alcohol and some other additives. To get the health benefits of essential oils, you need to use 100 percent pure oils with therapeutic grade quality, and furthermore, you should use the right proportion of them in a changed combination every week.

The author of the book, The Body Electric, Robert O. Becker, M.D, claims that our body possesses electrical frequency and that a lot about the health of people is actually determined by it. According to Nikola Tesla, people will be more resistant to this disease with the elimination of specific outside frequencies which are interfering with the human body. The discovery of the winner of the Nobel Prize for cancer research, and the two-time Nobel Laureate, is that the cells in the human body possess electrical voltage.

It is certain that some frequencies can prevent, and some others can destroy diseases, so certain higher frequency substances can obliterate lower frequency diseases.

The lowest frequency of therapeutic grade essential oils is 52 MHz, and the highest is 320 MHz. So for instance: Peppermint 78 MHz, Angelica 85 MHz, Sandalwood 96 MHz, Juniper 98 MHz, German Camomile 105 MHz, Lavender 118 MHz, Ravensara 134 MHz, Frankincense 147 MHz, Helichrysum 181 MHz, and Rose 320 MHz.

Various Healing Abilities

The cells of breast cancer are mostly killed by thyme, cinnamon, jasmine, and chamomile essential oil. Specifically, chamomile oil proved to destroy up to 93 percent of breast cancer cells in vitro, whereas thyme oil destroyed 97 percent of the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line.

The Industrial Crops and Products journal has published Cancer Net that discovered that chamomile essential oil possesses potent antioxidant properties. During the research, 11 different essential oils were analyzed, including thyme, lavender, rosemary, winter savory, peppermint, bitter, sage, French tarragon, sweet fennel, and rosemary. Among all of them, the Roman chamomile proved to possess the highest antioxidant activity.

Frankincense Oil is a Cancer Killer

According to Suhail, this oil has the ability to separate the nucleus of the cancerous cells, their “brain”, from the cytoplasm, their “body”, and to close down the “brain” of the cancerous cells to stop the reproduction of the corrupted DNA codes.

Monoterpenes sustained in frankincense oil are responsible for the effectiveness of this oil. These compounds obliterate the cancerous cells at the very beginning of their development, and also their stages of progression.

Cancer treatment can be revolutionized with frankincense oil. The current chemo treatment blast the area around the tumor in order to destroy cancer, but during this process the healthy cells are also destroyed which leads to the weakening of the patient. On the other hand, treatment including this oil destroys only the cancerous cells, not harming the normal ones.

Dr. Suhail continues to say that frankincense essential oil possesses 17 active agents.

We present you with several stories promoted at the Atlas Chiropractic told by people with degenerative diseases and cancer who used this oil.

Terminal Liver Cancer

One man in Long Beach was diagnosed with liver cancer, which was reportedly too big to be removed. His wife explains that the doctors gave him 6 months to live. She heard about the 100% pure frankincense oil, so her husband began applying it under his tongue and topically over his liver on a daily basis. His tumors were significantly shrinking at the next visit to his doctors, so he continued to use them.

In April, the doctors finally agreed to remove his tumor surgically as it was dramatically shrinking. His cancer was taking ¾ of his liver, and it was successfully removed. Today, his health is well and he is enjoying life like any other man.

Brain Cancer in 5-year Old Girl

This little girl with brain cancer applied just 1 drop of this essential oil, alternated with 1 drop of sandalwood oil to the bottom of her feet, simultaneously with lavender oil to her wrist. The girl is now in excellent health.

Bladder Cancer

Initially, Jackie Hogan was told that her bladder would have to be removed due to her rare ACS. However, she heard about the incredible properties of frankincense oil, especially when combined with sandalwood oil termination of cancer cells. According to research, these healing essential oils can be put on the list of natural compounds which selectively destroy cancer cells.

Lung Stage 4 – Metastasis to Pelvis, Bones, Ribs, Spine

Bebe shares the story of her mother who was diagnosed with lung tumors that spread to her bones, ribs, spine, shoulders, pelvis, and hips. She started using frankincense oil, and after 4 months her cancerous cells were rapidly dying, so she returned home and her everyday activities like gardening. Seven months after the doctors told her she would die, she had no cancer. They recommend using frankincense oil every 2-3 hours, applied topically at both, at the bottom of the feet, and over the affected areas. For even better results, apply several drops of the oil under your tongue.

Bone Marrow Degeneration

A woman named Ellen had a polyscithemiarubravera and bone marrow degeneration diagnosis. She tells that after 3 months of taking these oils, her blood tests were very much improved, and most of the markers showed to be in a normal range. She didn’t have the need to do two of the last three phlebotomies that she used to have in a 2 week period. She highly recommends these oils, stating that she is feeling healthy again.

Breast Cancer

One woman has completely replaced the chemo and radiation with frankincense oil applied topically on her breast along with lemongrass, and taking herbal supplements. She successfully shrank her breast tumor and had it removed surgically, and now after 6 months, she is completely cancer-free.

Cervical Cancer

One person shared the story of her friend’s sister, who had her cervical cancer return for the 2nd time, which is why she was told her uterus needs to be removed. She started applying frankincense and wintergreen oils on her soles every 3 to 4 hours, along with applying topically on her abdomen. After one month of this treatment, the doctors couldn’t find any tumor in her uterus.


A man tells about his nephew whose leukemia came back for the second time. The boy was using both, chemo and essential oils, and he went into remission much faster than the opinion of his doctors, without experiencing the horrible side effects from the chemo.


One man was struggling with throat degeneration which metastasize to other parts of his body. He began using the frankincense oil and natural remedies last October, and now he is considered a real miracle as he went from an MRI.


A guy shares a story about his friend who had pancreatic degeneration, said to have only 3 to 4 weeks of life. He began taking 3 drops of frankincense oil, 1 drop of each of the following oils: lavender, sandalwood, lemongrass, and natural remedies, and now after 8 months, he is in perfect health.


One person tells the happy news he received one morning when his friend told him that he is completely clear of his prostate cancer, after treating it with essential oils for about 3 to 4 months.

Basal cell

One man had Basal cell carcinoma which had gone through his nostril’s thickness, so his oncologist recommended removing a large section of the nostril, all the way down to his upper lip and about 1cm into his cheek. The man started using the essential oils, along with increasing his water intake, eliminating sugar from his everyday diet, and consuming more raw foods. In a period of several weeks, it appeared closed, without weeping, and the redness around the area began disappearing. After 6 weeks, the treated side of his nose looked perfectly healthy. This happened 15 months ago, and up till now, he is in good health.


One woman was diagnosed with basal cell cancer in the area right above her eye. She researched a bit and discovered the healing powers of essential oils, so she started applying frankincense oil topically on the area 3 times a day, as well as 2 drops under her tongue 2 times a day, in the morning and evening. She explains the transformations that occurred during a 6 week period. In the first week, she felt only slight tingling in the area after applying the oil.

During the second one, she says her ‘growth’ above the eye began shrinking. It continued shrinking in the third week and started to ooze. During the fourth week, the ‘growth’ oozed a bit more, and seemed to implode, but continued to shrink. In the fifth week, it was significantly shrinking and formed a scab. During the sixth week, the scab simply felled while the woman was washing her face and its size was resembling a whitehead. The frankincense oil miraculously succeeded to reduce a giant spot to the size of a whitehead in a period of 6 weeks.


A person tells that she has applied frankincense oil 2 times a day, in the morning and night, covering the mole with a band-aid. After three days, it had shrunk, and after five days it started bleeding a bit and half of it fell off. After just one week, she says her mole was completely gone, but she worried a bit if the pink skin will remain as a scar. After just a couple of days, it was finally gone. This woman shares the story of her husband’s melanoma in stage 4.

It was surgically removed from his back, but another one occurred on his nose. He began applying frankincense and Immortelle on it, and his wife claimed his melanoma is continuously shrinking.

Via Healthiest Universe

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