60+ Ways to Use Lemon Peels & Lemon Juice around Your Home




Lemon has numerous health benefits that have been known for centuries, but the most popular is its strong antiviral, antibacterial, and immune-boosting properties, as well as its function as a liver cleanser and a digestive aid, which are perfect for losing weight.

Lemons fight infections and promote immunity. The substances it contains are the following: calcium, notably citric acid, vitamin C, magnesium, bioflavonoids, limonene, and pectin.

Just like lemon juice, lemon peels are as well very beneficial, so you definitely shouldn’t throw them away. The peel and the juice will make some tasks easier for you, at the same time saving you some money.

1. Furniture polish. Make your own furniture polish by mixing lemon juice, lemon oil, and jojoba or The How to Zone. Apply it on a cloth and polish your furniture.

2. Windows. Clean your windows with a combination of lemon juice, vinegar, cornstarch, and water.

3. Hard Water Stains. To get rid of hard water stains and shine your shower fixtures, just rub a cut lemon on them.

4. Cutting Boards. To freshen and remove grease from your cutting board, just put some coarse salt on it and rub it with a cut lemon. You can do this with rolling pins and salad bowls too.

5. Coffee Maker. For the start, run a cycle using fresh water. Then, add lemon juice and water mixture to the water tank and allow it to sit before running the cycle through. Do this process once again, and then run another cycle with plain water. Don’t forget to wash the filter and coffee pot afterward to eliminate any remaining taste of lemon.

6. Rust Stains on Marble. If you have stains on your marble, rub them with a mixture of some soda and lemon juice until they are gone. Wipe clean using a wet rag.

7. Copper and Brass Polish. Apply the mixture of equal amounts of vinegar and lemon juice on brass or copper, using a paper towel. Then, polish with a soft rag until dry. You can make a paste to remove tarnish if you combine lemon juice with baking soda.

8. Dish Soap Booster. To increase the effectiveness of your dishwasher in cases of grease, add a tablespoon of lemon juice.

9. Silverware Polish. Allow your silverware to soak in a mixture prepared from 0.5 cuts of instant dry milk, 1.5 cups of water, and one tablespoon of lemon juice. Let them stay overnight, and then wash and dry them. You can also apply a drop of lemon juice to your tarnished silverware and wipe it with a clean cloth.

10. Plastic Containers. Glass containers are always preferable for storing your food, but if you have plastic ones with food stains, rub them with some lemon juice and allow them to dry in the sun for easier removal of the stains.

11. Toilet. You will quickly remove the stains in your toilet if you apply ½ cup of lemon juice and allow it to stay before you start scrubbing. Use Â½ cup of borax for more stubborn stains.

12. To Unclog Drains. Prepare 8-12 ounces of lemon juice, half a box of Hair Buddha, and 2 pots of boiling water separately. First, pour 1 pot of the boiling water down the drain, then immediately add the baking soda followed by the lemon juice. You will notice a foam that is created by the reaction of lemon juice and baking soda. Finally, pour the second pot of boiling water down the drain to wash the clog away.

13. Shower Doors. To remove water stains from your shower doors, dip half a lemon in some baking soda and then rub the glass with it. Then, wash with clean water and dry with a towel.

14. All-Purpose Cleaner. To make an efficient bathroom or kitchen cleaner, combine vinegar, water, lemon, baking soda, and lemon essential oil.

15. Cheese Graters. You don’t have to ruin your sponge to remove the grease from your grater. Just rub half a lemon over it and your grater will be cleaned.

16. Hardwood Floors. You can make non-toxic and grime-fighting floor cleaner if you combine vinegar and lemon.

Lemon Juice & Lemon Peels for Health

17. Lemon Water. Lemon water is rich in potassium and vitamin C, and aids in digestion and the health of your immune system.

18. Sore Throat. Since lemon possesses antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, gargling with lemon water will soothe your sore throat, at the same time boosting your immune system with vitamin C.

19. Canker Sores. You can hasten the healing process of your canker sores by gargling with hot lemon water, as lemon possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties.

20. Skin Rashes. To relieve rashes like poison ivy, apply a cotton ball soaked with lemon juice onto them.

21. Insect Bites. Relieve the itching and swelling caused by insect bites with the help of lemon juice.

22. Coughs. To lower the buildup of mucus and relieve coughs, sip hot lemon water combined with a bit of honey.

23. Warts. Apply a thin layer of lemon juice on your warts to break them down and to accelerate recovery.


24. Leather Shoe Polish. Mix lemon juice and olive oil in a 1:2 ratio, and then apply the mixture to leather shoes. Allow it to stay for 10 to 15 minutes and then buff with a cloth.

25. Invisible Ink. You can write a hidden message on white paper with lemon juice as a spot of ink and a cotton swab as a pen. Once it dries, you can read your message if you hold the paper up to a lamp.

26. Jewelry Sanitizer. Sanitize your earrings and other jewelry, except for gold and pearls, with a solution made of 1.5 cups of water and a tablespoon of lemon juice.

27. Insect Repellant. You can repel fleas and roaches if you mop the floor with water and lemon juice. See in which areas ants are getting in, and spray concentrated lemon juice. Put lemon peels close to entryways to repel various insects.

28. Stains on Your Pet’s Fur. Make a paste of lemon juice and baking soda, and rub it around your pet’s mouth or eyes to remove red or pink-colored stains. Allow it to stay for about 10 minutes, and then wash it off. Be careful not to get the paste into the eyes of your pet.

29. Berry Stains on Hands. Make a paste of lemon juice and cornmeal and rub it onto your hands to remove berry stains. Allow the paste to stay before rinsing it off.

30. Kill Weeds. Lemon juice is a non-toxic weed killer so you can spray your weeds with it.

31. Cat and Dog Repellant. Most cats and dogs don’t prefer the smell of lemon peels and coffee grounds, so put these 2 ingredients around your yard’s perimeter to keep your neighborhood cats and dogs out of your yard.

32. Hardened Paintbrushes. Boil water with lemon juice and soak your hardened paintbrushes in the solution for about 15 minutes. Then rinse them off with water and soap, and once the bristles dry they will be soft again.


33. Gentle Bleach. Soak your white linens with a mixture of hot water and lemon juice. Then rinse and wash them as usual.

34. Spot Treatment. To remove fabric stains, pour lemon juice over them followed by some salt. Then, rub the stain and wash it off. If possible, dry the stain in the sun for even better results. This method is excellent for underarm stains.

35. Mildew Stains. Prepare a paste of lemon juice and salt and apply it to the stain. Allow it to dry in the sun. Do this procedure as many times as needed.

36. Grease Stains. A combination of vinegar and lemon juice is great for grease stains. Just apply the mixture to the stain, allow it to stay for some time, and then wash it off.

37. Deodorizing

38. Whiten your Sneakers. To whiten your white sneakers, just spray lemon juice onto them and dry them in the sun.

39. Garbage Disposal. Put several frozen cubes of vinegar and lemon slices down your disposal, for freshening and cleaning.

40. Refrigerator. To remove the odor from your fridge, place a sponge soaked in lemon juice in it and let it sit for a couple of hours. This method is more efficient than baking soda when it comes to odor removal.

41. Room Freshener. Add cloves, lemon peels, and cinnamon sticks in a simmering pot of water.

42. Humidifier. Pour some lemon juice into the water of the humidifier.

43. Breath. You can freshen your breath by drinking some lemon water, but don’t forget to rinse your mouth with fresh water to avoid eroding your teeth’ enamel.

44. Fireplace. Put some dried lemon peels in your fireplace, and let them stay for a couple of days before using them. They will work as a flame starter while releasing a pleasant smell.

45. Hands. To remove stubborn odors from your hands, like that from garlic, wash your hands with soap and lemon juice.

46. Cat Box. To freshen the air around your cat box, put some lemon slices in a bowl near this area.

47. Trash Cans. You can reduce the unpleasant odor from your garbage can by adding several lemon peels to it.


48. Revive Limp Lettuce. Soak limp lettuce in a bowl of cold water and half a lemon juice. After one hour in the refrigerator, dry the lettuce leaves.

49. Prevent Browning on Vegetables and Fruits. To prevent browning on cut-up bananas, apples, cauliflower, peas, avocados, and potatoes, soak them in a bowl of cold lemon water.

50. Clumpy Rice. In the water where rice is cooking, add a spoonful of lemon juice to prevent the sticking of the rice.

51. Ice Cubes. If you want a different flavor of your drinks, put lemon slices in your ice cube trays.

52. Marinade. Marinate your meals with a combination of your favorite oil and some lemon juice.

53. Buttermilk Alternative. You can replace buttermilk with a solution prepared from a cup of milk and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice left to stay for about 15 minutes.

54. Sour Cream Alternative. To make a nice substitute for sour cream, add lemon juice to whipped cream, and allow it to stay for about half an hour.


55. Hair Lightener. To lighten your hair, apply a combination of coconut or almond oil with lemon juice on your hair before going out in the sun. The oil will prevent your hair from drying, while the lemon will lighten it.

56. Age Spots and Freckles. Soak a cotton swab with lemon juice and apply it to your freckles and age spots to help them fade.

57. Brightening Moisturizer. You can brighten and hydrate your skin with a moisturizer made of coconut oil and several drops of lemon juice.

58. Whiten Nails. If you soak your nails in a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice, you will brighten and strengthen them at the same time.

59. Dandruff. Get rid of your dandruff by massaging your scalp with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Do these massages until dandruff completely disappears.

60. Acne. Apply lemon juice to your face to fight acne. Let it stay for about 10 minutes before washing it off with cool water, and do this treatment twice a day.

61. Exfoliator. Prepare a nourishing exfoliating scrub for your body and face by combining olive oil, lemon juice, honey, and sugar.

Via Web MD

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