3 Drinks That Detox Liver and Flush out Fat




The liver is one of the most important organs in our body.

Processed foods especially fast food can leave serious negative effects on the liver.

This is the reason why we should perform detoxification from time to time.

In this way, our liver will work in the best possible way.

A liver that doesn’t work well will affect other organs and our overall health leading to various disorders and diseases.

We are bringing you the best drinks to detox the liver and flush out fat from the system.

1. The Multicolor Drink

  • One Bell Pepper
    ½ Lemon
  • One Mid Sized Cucumber
  • One apple.

Juice all the ingredients and mix them. You need to consume this drink immediately because the antioxidants will lose their properties.

If you drink two or three glasses per day, your liver will certainly be thankful because the toxins will be removed and your overall health and energy replenished.

2. Green Tea Citrus Flavor

  • Juice made from half a lemon
  • Half a cup of green tea (wait until it is cooled down)
  • One banana.

This powerful extract of green tea also known as EGCG will detoxify the body very fast.

3. Turmeric Liver Cleansing Drink

  • ½ teaspoon of turmeric
  • Half a cup of water
  • A small amount of ginger
  • Juice made from half a lemon.

This tasty drink will cleanse the toxins from the bowels and protect you from gallstones. The Prevention will clean the liver.

Via Daily Health Post

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