Is Thermography as Good as a Mammogram?




Today, mammograms are regarded as the standard tool for breast cancer detection. What’s more, women are even advised to do mammogram testing once a year as they enter later adulthood, in order to detect possible breast cancer in the early stages.

However, according to some in the medical community, mammogram testing is dangerous. Mammograms use heavy amounts of ionizing radiation, which in fact promotes cancer development. The radiation exposure from one mammogram test is equal to that of 1,000 chest X-rays. In other words, it’s like you have done 3 chest X-rays every single day for a year. It’s quite shocking, right?

Dr. Samuel Epstein is a top cancer expert who explains that each rad exposure raises the risk of breast cancer in premenopausal breasts by about 1%. This means that over a decade’s screening, the risk of breast cancer will increase by 10%.

Medical News Today published in the New England Journal of Medicine says mammograms have shown only a trivial ability to prevent deaths of cancer, or more specifically, they prevented 0.4 deaths for every 1,000 women who did annual mammogram testing for a decade. In other words, this testing managed to save the life of 1 breast cancer patient per 2,500 women.

Luckily, there is a safer, more accurate option, although many doctors don’t even mention it. Thermography is a technology that measures the heat in your body to detect possible inflammation, without relying on radiation. This scanning method is safe even for nursing and pregnant women. It can detect cancer years before mammography or any other method, as precancerous and cancerous cells are first characterized with inflammation before any visible growth can be detected by mammography.

Research conducted on women who did regular thermogram screenings over a decade showed that an abnormal thermogram scan is a 10 times more accurate measure of breast cancer risk than a family medical history. Moreover, it also discovered that this method was the 1st detector of breast cancer for 60 percent of women who developed it.

Philip Getson is a doctor who uses medical thermography since 1982. He states that thermal imaging can detect activity eight to ten years before any other method since it detects changes at the cellular level. In other words, patients can see changes before the formation of the tumor. According to studies, mammography or physical examination can only detect tumors in certain sizes – a size they reach after growing for about 7 years and achieving over twenty-five doublings of the malignant cell colony. So, if at 3 month-period there are 2 cells, at 1 year 16, and at 5 years 1,048,576 cells, mammograms will still not be able to detect them.

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Mammograms are also known to produce false positives, unlike thermograms which are known for their successful early detection. Statistically, mammograms give false positives at least once for the majority who do biannual or annual testing. Their false positive rate is 6 percent so it’s a rather regular occurrence. These women have to go through an additional screening or more radiation exposure, and worse, unnecessary operation.

On the other hand, thermography is a non-invasive, accurate, and safe method to detect early-stage cancer. The average thermography costs around $250 and is usually not covered by insurance. Almost all major cities have at least one thermography testing center, so regardless of gender, and age, consider thermography as ab ultimate check-up tool.

Via Medical News | Huffington Post | Dr. Mercola

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