Don’t Waste Time! Remove Sciatica and Lower Back Pain (Exercises)




Sciatica pain is one common condition that affects at least 5-10% of people who suffer from irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve. Luckily, there are very simple and easy exercises that will relieve you from the pain.

What does sciatica mean?

Sciatica is a condition that is characterized by pain, weakness, and numbness that radiates along the sciatic nerve. This nerve is considered the longest in the human body, and it runs from the back of the pelvis to the feet. If this nerve is compressed or irritated in some way, serious pain and discomfort take place.


Sciatica pain is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Constant pain in one buttock and leg
  • More severe pain while sitting
  • Tingling or burning sensation, rather than an ache
  • Some cases can bring about loss of bowel/bladder control

This pain originates in the lower back, but it affects the leg more than any other part. The lower back pain is a distinct affliction. It can occur individually or with sciatica. Even when experienced for several days, this pain can seriously affect your everyday activities.

What can cause sciatica and back pain?

Here are some things that can cause sciatica and back pain:

  • Spinal stenosis (narrowed passage for the spinal cord)
  • Slipped disc (most of the cases)
  • Spondylolisthesis (slipped vertebrae)
  • Less common causes: direct injuries tumors, spinal infections, or cauda equine

Almost always, sciatica is caused by some back problems, and there is a possibility that it cannot be entirely prevented.

Luckily, there are some ways to reduce sciatica and lower back pain by:

  • Avoid sitting or standing in an incorrect body posture
  • Lift your body in a correct manner
  • Support your lower back by configuring a car driving position
  • Get enough sleep on a firm mattress
  • Exercise regularly in order to maintain the back muscles

These 6 Amazing Exercises for Lower Back Pain and Sciatica

Relieve the back pain and sciatica with some simple exercises that include stretching of the legs and back. Here are some simple exercises:

1. Knee to chest stretch

Lie on your back with a bent knee at 90 ÌŠ with your feet flat on the floor. Wrap one knee with both of your hands and pull it toward your chest. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds and then switch to the other leg.

2. Gluteal stretch

Lie flat with bent knees. Cross one leg over the other, so that one food is on the opposite knee. Gently pull the uncrossed leg towards you and hold this position for 20-30 seconds. Repeat this stretch three times, but make sure you relax in between. Then switch to the other leg.

3. Knee lifts

Start in the same position and place your arms flat by your sides. Make sure your lower back is flat to the ground and slowly lift the legs until the heels are a foot off the ground. Then lower them and repeat the exercise 5 times.

4. Hamstring stretch

Sit on the floor with a straight back and outstretched legs. As you exhale, lean forward from your hips and reach the toes with your hands. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds and then sit back up.

5. Back extensions

Lie on the floor with your face down and the flat of your feet against the floor. Place the forearms on the ground. Gently push down on your hands in order to arch your back. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds and then lower to the ground. Repeat the procedure 10 times.

6. Piriformis stretch

Lie on your back with bent knees and gently bring the heels toward the buttocks. Then, cross one leg over the other and by using the muscles bring the knee out. Try to stretch the hip area but make sure you do not overdo it.

When you experience stretch, hold in that position for 20 seconds. Then switch to the other leg and repeat the stretch for 20 seconds. For a deeper stretch, push the leg out more.

The following video provides an explanation of these stretches:

This is one more video:

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