True Story: Black Elderberry The Plant That Saved My Life




This is an unbelievable story of a man who successfully fought his cancer. He saved himself from this deadly disease by consuming, believe it or not, one ordinary plant.

Read this true story that has a happy ending.

It all began in 2002 when he was diagnosed with a 5.5 cm size benign brain tumor. He has undergone a successful surgery in Sofia, Bulgaria, but his fight didn’t end there.

Two years later, his tumor recurred with the same size, and the doctors established that it was a metastatic one.

This time he had to undergo laser surgery, and having no other option, he accepted. The tumor was successfully removed once again, but this time with consequences – the surgery left him with a paralyzed left arm and leg.

The man received radiotherapy, but this didn’t help him much. His tumor recurred once again, and he had to undergo another surgery. He recovered after a few months, and went to a rehab process, and here changes everything.

He met a man with kidney cancer who was said to have only 3-4 months left to live, but a woman told him he should eat black elderberry. Only the ripe fruits of this bushy plant possess medicinal and healing properties.

After picking the elderberries, which are similar to blueberries, wash, and dry them. Layer them with sugar all the way to the top of a jar. The jar should then be exposed to sunlight for 2 weeks in order to accelerate the fermentation process. After this period, cover the jar with a lid and store it in the fridge. Consume one teaspoon of this homemade remedy on an empty stomach, around 10 minutes prior to breakfast. You’ll need 2 doses of this remedy for the entire year.

The kidney cancer patient recommended the man take this extremely powerful and effective remedy. He started taking it after doctors gave him his terrifying diagnosis, and now after five months, he is still alive. His routine checks showed no signs of his cancer. After hearing this story, the man decided to try this remedy to cure his brain cancer. He waited until the elderberries were ripe enough, which was about 2 months after learning about their healing power. Now after 4 years, he hasn’t suffered a relapse of his cancer.

The man shared his incredible story with lots of people, and even his doctor recommend this remedy to his cancer patients. One of them with breast cancer was another successful case of curing cancer with elderberries.

Note: Elderberries won’t cause any side effects even if you take them with some prescription meds. The remedy has a rather unpleasant taste, but you will get used to it with time. It will improve your immunity, and make you feel great once again. We hope this story will help someone in the battle of his life.

Via Omigy

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