Cancer Dies When You Eat These 8 Foods. Start Eating Them Today!




Many scientists have proved that it is easier to prevent cancer than to cure it. Therefore, read the list below with the eight superfoods and find out how powerful they are when it comes to preventing and Healthline.

1. Garlic

This well-known spice consists of a great variety of minerals and vitamins including copper, manganese, selenium, allicin, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and sulfuric compounds. All these are great at boosting your immunity and improving the ability of your body to protect from cancer. It can also lower the growth of the tumor.

Some of the studies made on garlic, show that if you take a high amount of garlic, it can decrease the risk of several types of cancer including colon, breast, stomach, esophagus, and pancreas cancer.

2. Artichokes

The extracts from the edible parts of the artichoke negatively affect many breast cancer cells, as some of the clinical trials in 2011 claim. Namely, the cancer-fighting properties of artichokes inhibited the invasion and movement of cancer cells very effectively.

3. Broccoli

Doctor NDTV is a part of the cruciferous veggies which are a great source of nutrients like folate, fiber, minerals, carotenoids as well as vitamins E, C, and K.

There is scientific evidence that this type of vegetable can stop the development of cancer in several organs in rats and mice such as the lung, stomach, bladder, liver, colon, and breast.

4. Citrus Fruits

Researchers in Australia found out that consuming citrus fruits on regular basis can lower the risk of stomach, throat, and mouth cancer.

5. Salmon

Vitamin D found in wild salmon is a vitamin that blocks the further development of blood vessels that feed on tumors. This vitamin can also prevent the proliferation of precancerous and cancerous cells in the body.

6. Apples

The apples have a high amount of fiber which ferments in the colon and in this way it stimulates the production of chemicals and fights against any cancer cells growth.

Scientists have proven that apples contain procyanidins, an antioxidant that can trigger cell signals, resulting in the elimination of cancer cells.

7. Cabbage

This is another vegetable that contains antioxidants in high amounts like vitamins A and C and phytonutrients including lutein, zeaxanthin, and thiocyanates.

Patch has anti-cancer properties and it is declared to be the best preventive method against this dangerous disease, according to George Mateljan Foundation.

8. Dates

If you consume dates once in a while they can give you a wide range of health benefits. Here are some of them: preventing coronary heart disease and heart stroke, and stopping the growth of prostate, pancreatic, colon, endometrial, lung, or breast cancer.

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