Lymphatic System: Learn the Magic of Ayurveda to Maintain Your Health




Ayurveda is defined as the science of life that was developed in India thousands of years ago. It is an ancient form of medical science that is believed to be passed to humans by God. Ayurveda is believed to maintain one’s health with the help of therapies, exercises, herbal medicines, and diet control and is proven to be a very effective and natural way. Research has shown that Ayurvedic medicines are very effective in eliminating the entire cause of the disease rather than only the symptoms. Several Ayurveda tips can be followed easily to keep you healthy.

Lymphatic system

What is the lymphatic system and what are its functions?
The lymphatic system constitutes a network of tissues and organs that helps eliminate waste, toxins, and other unwanted materials from the body. The lymphatic system carries the fluid called lymph all over the body and helps in eliminating wastes. The main organs of a lymphatic system are the spleen, thymus, and tonsils. It also consists of hundreds of lymphatic vessels and nodes present in the body. The function of the lymphatic system is to transport fatty acids and maintain the balance of fluids in the body. It also helps to fight against infections in the body. It helps to control the number of red blood cells. The lymphatic system transfers the white blood cells in and out of the bones with the help of lymph nodes and is also responsible for the removal of fluids from the tissues.
What is the main function of the lymphatic system?
The main function of a lymphatic system is the transportation of a fluid called ‘Lymph’ throughout the body. This fluid contains infection-fighting white blood cells which and transported to different parts of the body through the network of lymphatic vessels. These vessels are connected to the lymph nodes where filtration takes place.
What are the functions of the organs in the lymphatic system?
Each organ in a lymphatic system has its own set of functions.
The Spleen
It is located in the upper-left part of the abdomen and is the largest lymphatic organ. Its main function is to filter the blood and remove old or damaged red blood cells. The spleen is also responsible for the detection of viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms. It triggers the release of lymphocytes which produce antibodies to kill the foreign micro-organism
The thymus
The thymus is located in the thoracic cavity just above the heart. This is a small organ that stores immature lymphocytes which later become active T cells and are responsible for the destruction of infected or cancerous cells.
The Tonsils
Tonsils are large masses of lymphatic cells located in the back of the throat and nasal cavity. It helps to fight against infections in the body and forms a part of the immune system.
What is the function of Lymph Nodes?
The main function of the lymph node is the filtration of the lymph that passes through it and the addition of lymphocytes to the filtrated lymph. It adds two types of lymphocytes – small lymphocytes and large lymphocytes. The lymphocyte is responsible for the production of antibodies for killing the foreign bacteria and viruses in the body.

Symptoms of Slow Lymphatic System

Suppose there is a deficiency in minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and other materials in our body. In that case, it may lead to the improper function of the body and also slow down our lymphatic system. A slow lymphatic system is hazardous for a body as it may lead to fatal diseases and infections. Several symptoms indicate that the lymphatic system is slow like swollen fingers and bloating. Constant feeling of exhaustion and constipation also shows a slow lymphatic system. Discoloration of the legs is observed in many cases. The skin becomes dry and itchy. The blood circulation in the body becomes poor and the hands and legs turn cold. Swelling of breasts is observed in females.

12 Secret Ayurveda Tips to Keep Your Lymphatic System Healthy

1. Exercise

Lymphatic System - Exercise According to Ayurveda, exercises like Kapha Dosha, Pitta Dosha, and Vata Dosha not only enhance physical health but also have a positive impact on the mind, heart, and one’s soul. It also reduces stress increases mental alertness and introduces a feeling of lightness in the body. People feel more energetic, active, and happy. It increases the overall blood circulation in the body, thereby making people more active and healthy.

2. Yoga

Yoga maintains overall health and is said to purify the mind and heart of a person. The different ‘Asanas’ (postures), ‘Pranayama’ (breathwork), and techniques of meditation help to maintain balanced health and nourish the digestive system. Meditation is believed to bring peace of mind and increase one’s concentration.

3. Diet

According to Ayurveda, freshly cooked and warm food has a positive impact on one’s health. Eating fresh food like organically grown fruits and vegetables, grains, and herbs helps in improving the digestive system. Raw fruits contain a lot of phytonutrients and antioxidants which act as natural internal cleansers. Eating raw fruits on an empty stomach apart from providing vitamins and minerals also helps in the detoxification of germs and cleansing of the stomach. It also helps to reduce weight and helps in better digestion of food.

4. Diaphragmatic breathing

It is an art of slow and deep breathing that fills up your whole stomach. Research has shown that people practicing at least 10 min of diaphragmatic breathing daily have many Natural News and heart diseases. It balances the nervous system of the body and reduces stress by reducing the stress hormone cortisol. It also lowers blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar levels in the body and improves the quality of sleep.

5. Drink lots of lukewarm water

According to Ayurvedic medicine, drinking lukewarm water has a lot of positive health benefits like improved blood circulation and prevention of premature aging. Drinking lukewarm water in the morning helps in healing our body, improves the digestive system, and helps in reducing metabolic waste from the body. It also helps in reducing pain like headaches and menstrual pain and also has a soothing effect on cramps.

6. Dry brush in the morning

ChopraSkin is an important part of our body protects us from harsh temperatures, chemicals, and infections, and helps in optimal detoxification. Dry brushing the skin in the morning removes all the dirt and dead cells from the surface of the skin and helps in removing wastes from the body via lymph nodes. It stimulates the lymphatic system, improves digestion and functioning of the kidney, reduces stress, and allows the skin to breathe by clearing the clogged pores in the skin.

7. Lugol’s iodine

Low iodine content in your body is one of the reasons for the improper functioning lymphatic system. Lugol’s iodine helps in improving the iodine content and helps in removing toxic elements from the lymph.

8. Massages

Ayurvedic massages are said to have a lot of positive impacts nourishing one’s health, providing pleasure, and reducing stress and fatigue. It also increases circulation in the body and calms down the nerves, increases mental alertness, provides soft and smooth skin, and enhances the glow of the skin.

9. Eat red foods

Red-colored foods like cherries, pomegranates, and bees have a compound called anthocyanins that fight against free radicals in the body and prevent oxidative damage to the cells. Red foods like tomatoes and watermelons reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Beet juices are said to contain nitrates that help in relaxing the blood vessels in the body.

10. Forget the soda and energy drinks

Soda and energy drinks have a lot of adverse health effects and diseases like Type 2 diabetes, kidney problems, and cardiovascular problems along with numerous short-term effects. Hence, soda and energy drinks should be avoided and replaced with natural fruit juices and drinks.

11. Drink lymph-boosting herbal teas

Adding a few herbs like Astragalus, Echinacea or wild indigo root improves the lymphatic system and its functioning in the body.

12. Alternate hot and cold showers

The advantages of having alternatives are improved circulation of blood, improved weight loss, and sleep. It opens up the closed pores on the skin which allows effective skin breathing. It also improves muscle tone and muscle gain in men by increasing their testosterone levels. These tips will help you keep your health and enjoy yourself more. Sources: Live Science, One Green Planet, Paavani AyurvedaMedical Daily, Maharishi Ayurveda, Sun WarriorLive Science, Visible Body, Kalon Spa