Live Animals Are Being Stuck Inside Tiny Plastic Keychains in China and Sold As Jewelry




People have been abusing animals for their amusement in many different ways. They put them in circuses, ride on their backs, and use them for many other heartless ways to entertain at their expense.

But this was taken to a whole new level by a shocking trend in China which has been going on for years. As you will see in the video below, live animals are being sold in key chains as jewelry.Live Animals Are Being Stuck Inside Tiny Plastic Keychains in China and Sold As JewelryCNN has reported this issue back in 2011, but the trend didn’t stop as nothing has been done to cease it.

It was found that street vendors are selling small live turtles, fish, and other amphibians in small, tiny pouches. The cost of one such animal-filled pouch is $1.50, and it is too small for the animal, so it can barely squirm around.

The vendors claim that the pouches contain colored or clear oxygenated water that supplies the animal with nutrients. But, the animals in these pouches can survive only a couple of days, unless the buyers release them on time. Of course, this is not something that all buyers will do.

Asian and worldwide animal activists have been outraged by these weird pouches. Many of them find the lack of animal protection laws in China responsible for the widespread animal abuse.

However, animals are not only used as jewelry in China. There has been a trend of wearing broaches of live beetles encrusted with precious jewels in Mexico as well. People attach these broaches to their clothing using clothespins or chains.

The Hearty Soul

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