This Is The First Thing You Need To Do Every Morning




We are all aware of the fact that we should drink between 7 and 8 glasses of water each day, but very small number of people know how important it is to drink water after they wake up. By drinking water in the morning, after you get out of bed, you can expect many health benefits and relief from certain health issues like pain, asthma and certain types of cancer.

Why is Water So Important?

In case you didn’t know, the human body is made up of water – about 70% of it is made of water. This means that we need to keep these levels if we want our body to work properly. Furthermore, blood is actually 82% water while the muscles are about 75% water. If you want to cleanse your system you should drink water before you start your meal. This practice is especially useful for the cleansing of colon. If this area is hydrated well, the nutrients will be absorbed and processed better. Drinking water when you get out of bed will stimulate your body’s hematopoiesis production. This process is known as production of “new blood”. This blood helps the body reenergize and ultimately it helps the system deal with certain illnesses and diseases. Benefits of Drinking Water in the Morning  

Benefits of Drinking Water in the Morning

Some other benefits of drinking water in the morning include: 1. Better lymph system Drinking water in the morning on a daily basis can regulate your lymph system. Keep in mind that the lymph glands which are the most important part of this system are one of the main structures that protect and help the system get rid of infections. In addition, lymph glands also regulate the presence of fluids in the body. 2. Better Skin Health As previously mentioned, water eliminates the presence of toxins in the blood which ultimately leads to smooth, rejuvenated and better looking skin. 3. Curing illnesses Water is an excellent natural purifier and when the body is free of toxins and other harmful substances it is much easier for it to fight the illnesses. Having few glasses of water especially in the morning can help people fight menstrual problems, vomiting, nausea, throat illnesses, urinary diseases, kidney diseases, arthritis, cancers, diarrhea, headaches and many other conditions. 4. Great weight loss tool Drinking about 2 cups of cold water can increase your metabolism rate for ¼. Faster metabolism means faster burning of calories and fat. If you want to lose weight fast, you should not forget to drink water in the morning. Many experts recommend drinking about five glasses of water early in the morning in order to experience the best results. Of course, you should develop a routine and stick to it every day in order to feel long-term benefits. Drinking water before you have your first meal or before drinking anything else is the best way to start your day. The perfect time to drink water is about one hour before you being with your breakfast. Remember that, drinking five glasses of water in the morning may sound a little bit difficult, but after a short period of time your body will get used to that and you will develop a healthy habit.