20 Reasons to Keep Coconut Oil in Your Bathroom




Coconut oil is getting quite popular these days and it seems that there is more than one good reason for this popularity.

It is good to know that coconut oil is not helpful only in the kitchen and that’s why we have created a list of situations where you can use coconut oil.

20 Reasons to Keep Coconut Oil in Your Bathroom

1. Clean your face. Cosmetic experts know this procedure as oil cleansing and it comes with many benefits. Although it may sound a little bit odd, oil can aid your efforts to clean your face. Once you are finished your skin will be soft and attractive.

2. Oil pulling. Have you used coconut oil for this purpose? Oil pulling is an old technique to cleanse the oral cavity of bacteria. Your day should start with this procedure. Simply swish a teaspoon of coconut oil and swish for about 10 minutes.

Of course, if you feel that you can do it, swish for 20 minutes. Remember that it can be difficult in the beginning, but you will eventually learn how to swish for a long period.

3. Keep your legs smooth. Coconut oil should be a necessary part of your shaving routine. If you want to get soft and smooth legs, massage your legs with a small amount of this oil right before you start shaving your legs.

4. Healthy hair. Coconut oil prevents protein loss when you use it as a post or pre-treatment. Use ½ tablespoons of this oil to the roots and slowly spread it to the ends for the best pre-treatment. Leave the oil for about one hour before rinsing your hair with lukewarm water.

5. Burn and rash cream. Coconut oil has proven to be very effective in cases of burns and rashes. A small amount of coconut oil will reduce or even completely remove diaper rash.

6. Natural skin moisturizer. This oil will help you reduce the visibility of stretch marks and scars and prevent sagging skin.

7. Tame your frizzy hair. If you are in a hurry and you want to tame frizzy hair, use some coconut oil. Apply it on the ends, not on the roots. Keep in mind that you need only a small amount of coconut oil. Excessive use of this oil will make your hair oily.

8. Remove your eye makeup. Another benefit of using coconut oil is its ability to smoothly remove eye makeup. Wash your face thoroughly and use coconut oil after that. It will completely remove the rest of the eye makeup.

9. Fast cuticle treatment. Coconut oil is very helpful for the nails too. Use it to massage your toenails and fingernails as much as you can to tame rugged cuticles. Do this daily. Coconut oil has strong antifungal properties.

10. To remove the cradle cap on the baby, simply rub it on the head, leave it like that for a couple of minutes and slowly rinse the area with a lukewarm washcloth.

11. To reduce the visibility of age spots when rubbed on the skin.

12. If rubbed directly on the lips it acts as a natural chapstick.

13. Used together with an equal amount of sugar, coconut oil can be used as an efficient body scrub. Use it in the bath.

14. Use on feet to ease athlete’s foot symptoms and to fight fungus.

15. As a lubricant that won’t affect the vaginal flora.

16. As a replacement for Lanolin cream on nipples to ease irritation the baby will love it too!

17. Use it as a completely natural deodorant.

20 Reasons to Keep Coconut Oil in Your Bathroom

18. If you use it regularly it will help you eliminate cellulite.

19. Rub into elbows daily to prevent the occurrence of dry elbows.

20. Use it independently or together with Hair Buddha as a toothpaste with whitening effects.

Via Musely

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