How to Remove Skin Tag Quickly with Apple Cider Vinegar?




Medical removal of skin tags will cost $500. Do you know you can do it quickly, for free, painless, and without medical procedures?

First, you should consult your doctor to make sure that it is a benign skin tag.

What Is a Skin Tag?

Skin tag is a harmless skin condition known as acrochordon (highest among middle-aged people). These tags can appear anywhere on your body, but most often on those areas where skin rubs against skin, like underarms, eyelids, groin, chest, and neck. They look like soft skin that hangs on a stalk.

Several factors affect the skin tag appearance such as genetics, obesity, and diabetes. Because of hormonal changes in the body, pregnancy is also considered a factor for skin tags appearance.

Skin Tag Removal

How to Remove Skin Tags From Your Body?

You need apple cider vinegar and a cotton swab (or pure cotton batting).

  1. Take a piece of cotton, large enough to cover the surface of the skin tag;
  2. Fully soak it with apple cider vinegar;
  3. Drain the excess vinegar from the cotton (not to drip);
  4. Place the cotton over the skin tag and use some aid that will hold it in the particular place;
  5. The process can be repeated every day, but not more than twice a day. Skin tag will get black color and will fall off within 3 to 5 days. If some traces of the skin tag remain, do not despair. They will disappear within a week or less.

Does Removing Skin Tag May Be The Cause To Grow More?

Some people are more prone to developing skin tags, but so far, there is no evidence that the removal can cause them to grow or the possibility of skin tags to “seed” or spread.

NOTE: Do not use apple cider vinegar to remove skin tags on the eyelids because of possible eye irritation.

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