Prepare This Homemade Ant Repellent to Keep Ants Away from Your Home




It’s getting warmer, and besides the good things that come with summer, don’t forget about ants. These hard-working animals can be annoying when appearing at your house in high numbers. However, you can quickly get rid of them with the help of the homemade ant repellent we present here.

Researchers explain ants are entering our homes due to weather conditions. Although there are various pest control products you can use, they are harmful to your health. For example, the popular product

Although there are various pest control products you can use, they are harmful to your health.

For example, the popular Raid Ant & Roach Spray contains cypermethrin – a chemical that causes a cough, shortness of breath, and congestion. Also, this active ingredient can cause wheezing and asthma attacks.

Most commercial insecticides contain nerve agents as their primary ingredient. They work by disrupting the nervous system of insects through direct contact. However, if more of this harmful ingredient enters your body, it can cause the same effects as in insects.

They work by disrupting the nervous system of insects through direct contact. However, if more of this harmful ingredient enters your body, it can cause the same effects as in insects.

Homemade Ant Repellent

Instead of using these dangerous insecticides in your house or garden, try using peppermint essential oil to eliminate the annoying ants. Combining it with just two other simple ingredients will give you an efficient and safe ant repellant. Sprinkle it around your kitchen, bathroom, or any other room where you expect ants to appear.

What’s more, you can keep a peppermint plant in your home to prevent spiders and other insects from entering.

The reason why these natural ant repellant works are because ants can’t stand strong smells. It disrupts their scent trails and communication, covering their body with the essential oil mixture.

How to Make This Ant Repellent

Required Ingredients

  • 4 ounces of water (120 ml)
  • 30 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 30 drops of clove essential oil


Take one clean spray bottle. Pour the water into it, and add the essential oils. Shake well, and your homemade ant repellant is ready. Spray in every corner or area where ants usually appear. Repeat when needed. This should keep ants away from your home.

Source Safer
Image Source Safer

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