Amazing Ginger Detox Bath: Get Rid of Radiation, Heavy Metals and Other Health Harming Poisons




Ginger is an incredible spice that has been part of traditional medicine for centuries in many cultures. This spice comes with powerful antioxidant, anti-ulcer and anti-inflammatory properties. Many naturopaths believe that this is also one of the most effective herbs used for detoxification often suggested to people who want to follow detoxification diets and cleansing programs. The cleansing properties of this herb are closely related to the presence of shoga and gingerol, compounds that provide anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory activities in the gastrointestinal system. By including a strong mineral base like Epsom salts in your bathwater, you will be able to start a process known as reverse osmosis. With the help of reverse osmosis, you can get rid of salt and dangerous toxins from the system and absorb sulfates and magnesium.

Ginger Detox Bath

  • Half a cup of ground ginger
  • One cup of Epsom salts
  • One tablespoon of freshly ground ginger (use a tea ball)
  • A small amount of Ginger essential oil
  • Use hot water to fill the tub
  • Pour the essential oil, ginger and Epsom salts in the water. Feel free to use ginger powder or fresh ground ginger.
  • Stay in the water for about 20 minutes.
Remember that it is very likely that you will keep sweating for an hour or two after the procedure is finished. It is a good idea to drink more water once you are finished. Via Health Nut News