Early Symptoms of Kidney Disease and How to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy




Kidney disease is becoming a growing health problem in modern people. Without the help of kidneys, we won’t be able to detoxify and cleanse our bodies. A recent study has revealed that about 20 million Americans are suffering from certain disorders or kidney diseases. There are certain things like insulin sensitivity and circulatory issues that can increase the chances of developing kidney disease.

Why Are Kidneys So Important?

Kidneys are organs that act like cleaning staff in our bodies. However, if this staff goes on strike you won’t survive. Kidneys work in several ways in order to perform their duties. They are relatively small organs, but the task they are performing is gigantic. They need to process harmful waste and accumulated poisons and separate the nutrients and blood from the waste.

Without Kidneys, Your Body Won’t be Able to:

  • Maintain a balanced blood flow
  • Keep the mineral and water level at optimum
  • Eliminate chemicals, toxins, and waste that comes as a result of the digestion process, drugs, and physical activity
  • Use vitamin D and support your bones
  • Support the production of red blood cells and provide enough oxygen to the cells.
There are certain processes that take place in our body that seem to be perfectly safe like the metabolic processes, but even they result in the creation of waste that is harmful to the system. These wastes can cause a lot of damage to the body, but if the kidneys are working properly you don’t have to worry at all.

Kidney Disease – Causes

As previously mentioned, there are a few things that trigger kidney disease. For instance, blood pressure problems and diabetes are one of the most frequent causes of kidney disease. If you are experiencing high blood pressure, make sure to solve this issue fast because a prolonged state can lead to this vicious disease. When you are going on regular medical checkups or if you are visiting a specialist, make sure to test your blood pressure and glucose levels and see whether they are normal. Kidney disease often comes as a result of some genetic issues. If some of your close family members have or had problems with the immune system or with the kidneys you will be more prone to kidney problems.  Inappropriate use of drugs can damage the kidneys too. In addition, bad habits like excessive drinking, smoking, poor diet, and lack of physical activity can also contribute to the appearance of this disease.

Early Symptoms of Kidney Disease

One of the reasons why there are so many people affected by this disease can be traced to people’s reactions when they notice the first signs. Most of them usually don’t take any measures to stop the development of kidney disease. Of course, the early symptoms are not very obvious, so it is no surprise why so many people ignore them or don’t notice them. In addition, instead of sending signals that something is wrong, kidneys usually adjust to the new situation and lose capacity. The early symptoms tend to worsen over some period of time and that’s why you must act fast. Here are some of these symptoms:
  • Sleeping problems
  • Chronic fatigue and lack of energy and strength
  • Changes in urination like more frequent urination, changes in the smell and appearance of the urine (blood)
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Frequent hiccups
  • Problems with the digestive system
  • Lack of focus and dizziness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Swollen feet and/or legs
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Muscle cramps
  • Skin irritation.
By noticing these symptoms at an early stage you will get a chance to prevent the disease. If these symptoms are not noticed and not treated, the situation will escalate and in some cases, this disease will be incurable. Dialysis is a very unpleasant treatment that can be avoided. If you notice any of the signs and symptoms we have mentioned, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible. While it is true that these symptoms are very broad and general, it is also true that the doctor will help you determine what is going on in your body. In other words, it is better to be safe than sorry.

How to Improve The Work and Condition of Your Kidneys?

Changes in Your Lifestyle
  • Blood pressure directly affects the work of the kidneys. If you manage to maintain the blood pressure at a normal level (130/80) your blood pressure won’t affect the capacity of the kidneys.
  • Drinking and smoking must be avoided because they contribute to damage to kidneys.
  • Be active and engage in physical activities. This is something that will improve the health not only of your kidneys but your overall health. You will maintain the ideal body weight and reduce the chances of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.
  • Consider taking supplements that include vitamin D and calcium in case you don’t take enough of these important elements with your food. Make sure to ask your doctor for an opinion before taking any supplement.
  • Try to stay away from steroids and painkillers and use them only when necessary. Their excessive use leads to kidney damage.
Changes in Your Diet
  • Limit the use of salt. Try to take moderate amounts of salt and potassium.
  • Eat healthily. Consume dinners that contain low amounts of bad cholesterol and fat.
  • Follow a low-protein diet. Taking excessive amounts of protein is bad for your kidneys. Consult your doctor and find the right amount of protein for your body.
  • It is crucial to take a sufficient amount of calories for the proper work of your kidneys. If you are on a strict diet that requires long starvation, you should change it.
  • Include fruits like apples, watermelons, and berries in your diet because they are great for the kidneys.
  • Drink water. You need to stay hydrated by taking at least eight glasses of water a day.
Kidney disease is a vicious disease that affects the lives of thousands of families and what is even worse, their number grows each year. The damage done to the kidneys is almost impossible to repair, but if we notice the early signs and symptoms it is possible to prevent this problem. Via Kidney