7 Stretches in 7 Minutes for Complete Lower Back Pain Relief




A sedentary lifestyle brings many health problems and one of these problems is Web MD However, back pain can also be associated with being overactive. More than 30 million Americans deal with lower back pain. This is a very common health issue that requires care and determination to be solved. It doesn’t really matter if you feel spasms, aches, or stiffness, these simple stretches will help maintain your back strong and healthy.

Stretches Lower Back Pain Relief

1. The Hamstring Floor Stretching

Remain in this position for half a minute. Do it twice for each leg.

2. Knee to Chest Stretching

With this form of stretching, you will relax and strengthen the glutes. Remain in this position for about 20 seconds – twice for each leg.

3. Spinal Stretching

This is a very useful stretch for those suffering from sciatica. Keep this position for about 20 seconds and after that use it on the other knee. Perform this procedure several times, but do not overdo it.

4. The Piriformis Stretching

Remain in this position for half a minute and repeat the same procedure with the other leg.

5. The Hip Flexors Stretching

Keep this position for about half a minute. Switch the leg after that.

6. The Quadriceps Lying Down Stretching

Remain in this position for half a minute on each side. Perform this stretch two times on each side.

7. The Total Back Stretching

Remain in this position for about half a minute and after that, try this: Remain in this position for ten seconds on both sides. We hope that these exercises will help your lower back! Via Medium