She Boils Bananas before Bed and Drinks the Liquid, You Won’t Believe What Happens to Her Sleep




You have probably had those sleepless nights of turning and tossing, staring at the ceiling, and eventually getting just a few hours of shuteye. Worrying about not being able to fall asleep will keep your mind racing and the next thing to see will be the sun, reminding you that it’s already morning. Many of us have experienced a lot of such nights, and have probably tried to find the solution for this problem. With that purpose, we give you the tea that will improve your sleep cycle. The roots for the irregular sleeping patterns as well as insomnia can be stress, depression, and anxiety. Most people tend to get in bed and start thinking about their family, work, or just the things they plan to do the next day, so their minds are racing instead of relaxing. In such cases, when the mind is active, there are less chances to fall asleep. Some medications can lead to sleep loss and trigger insomnia, such as antihistamines, pain medications, and heart and blood pressure medicines. Although after taking some medication you might feel drowsy at first, they can cause frequent night visits to your bathroom or even anxiety that can only impede your rest. No matter if you have some of these problems or you are simply addicted to your smartphone before falling asleep, you have to make some changes.

Banana Tea

You can easily prepare a banana tea with a few items that you probably have in your kitchen. Not only that this organic banana sleep tea will do wonders for you, but it also has a delicious taste. Here’s how it works. There are great amounts of magnesium and potassium in bananas, particularly in their peel. Magnesium aids in the prevention of sleep disturbances, and together with potassium causes relaxation of your muscles. This mineral is known for its relaxation effects. Don’t forget that this tea recipe requires 100% organic bananas since non-organic bananas contain high amounts of pesticides. As you will see, this recipe encourages consuming boiled banana peel, which is why it must be free from chemicals. You will need not more than 10 minutes to make this tea and enjoy it every night before going to bed.

Required Ingredients

  • 1 small pot of water,
  • 1 organic banana,
  • A dash of cinnamon-optional.
First, cut off the ends of the banana and together with the peel put it in boiling water. Allow it to boil for about 10 minutes. Use a colander to pour the liquid into a mug. You can also sprinkle some cinnamon in your tea for taste. Consume the tea 1 hour before bed. Sprinkle some cinnamon over the boiled banana, and eat it while warm, together with its peel and the prepared tea for increased soothing effects. It’s a real yummy dessert.

Why Sleeping Pills Are Bad?

It’s no wonder that half of the Americans with poor sleep or insomnia have turned to sleeping pills out of despair. However, the problem is that they provide only short-term solutions, and can’t help in the long run. Most of these pills are a drug type that prompts and maintains sleep and are classified as sedative-hypnotics. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are other sedative-hypnotic drugs. The first depress the central nervous system, and the latter, such as Valium and Xanax, can cause addiction and are often used in the treatment of anxiety as they increase drowsiness. Sleeping pills have side effects like any other drug. Besides causing addiction, they can also cause:
  • Dizziness,
  • Constipation,
  • Weakness,
  • Difficulty focusing and remembering,
  • Stomach pain,
  • Parasomnias (Doing things unconsciously),
  • Uncontrollable shaking.
Moreover, sleeping pills can make your breathing rhythm slower and lighter. So these pills are dangerous for those suffering from asthma or other lung diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

How Lack of Sleep Affects the Body

Here’s why sleeping less than 8 hours is bad for your health. If our body doesn’t get 8 or more hours of sleep, it also doesn’t get sufficient rest and so it suffers. It seriously affects your long-term and short-term memory-cognitive function, so you might find it challenging to process even the simple things, and what’s more, your emotional reactions will get completely skewed. The worst part is that deprivation of sleep has been related to serious problems in health such as diabetes, obesity, and even cancer. Try to understand and fix the problem that makes you sleep less than before. This tea is completely natural, with delicious taste and smell, and most importantly very efficient.

Via Love This Pic | Health Line | Doctor Oz | WebMD