Top 20 Natural Painkillers in Your Kitchen




Before we start talking about these natural remedies, we must mention that this is just a suggestion, not a replacement for any medical recommendation or advice that any person gets from professional healthcare workers. It is good to point out that pain is often a symptom of some more complicated problems, so in case the pain doesn’t stop it is strongly recommended to visit a doctor. In addition, talk to your doctor to see whether some of these herbs and plants we will suggest in this article cannot be taken with commercial medications you are already using in order to avoid side effects. So, we have a great, impressive list of a myriad of natural painkillers that are usually found in modern kitchens. Another thing that makes this list special is the fact that it is not just a simple list because it provides concrete information about the characteristics of each natural painkiller and the type of pain it can soothe. In addition, you can also find out how to use each remedy in a proper way because not all of them are taken orally. The following list is simply amazing and the advice is based on scientific research reports. Even though this list is much longer, we have decided to reduce it to the 20 best ingredients that you should find in your kitchen. In this way, you will save time and money and hopefully beat pain. Before we begin with the presentation let’s mention that Mother Nature gave us cures for almost any ailment, so we should never forget the natural products and completely replace them with pharmaceutical drugs. After all, this is the reason why the number of scientific studies focused on the medicinal effects of different natural ingredients is growing every year.

20 Best Natural Painkillers - A Short Guide

    • Cloves – chew them slowly in cases of gum inflammation and toothache
    • Ginger – add two teaspoons of ginger to your everyday diet to relieve muscle cramps and pain
    • Apple cider vinegar – mix one tablespoon of ACV with tap water before each meal to treat heartburn
    • Garlic – create garlic oil to treat ear infections
    • Cherries – one bowl of cherries a day to heal headaches and joint pain
    • Yogurt – Two cups a day to ease PMS
    • Oily fish – Eighteen ounces of oily fish like tuna, salmon, trout, sardines, herring, and mackerel a week to heal intestinal inflammation
    • Oats – oats are gluten-free and helpful in cases of endometrial pain
    • Turmeric – a quarter a teaspoon a day in cases of chronic pain
    • Pineapple – one cup of pineapple (fresh) for gases and stomach bloating
    • Salt – one teaspoon per one cup of water added to salty, warm foot soaks to treat ingrown toenails. Practice this procedure two times a day for 20 minutes.
    • Grapes – one cup a day for back pain
    • Peppermint – pour a few drops of peppermint essential oil in your bath to treat sore muscles
    • Horseradish – one teaspoon, two times a day to soothe sinus pain
    • Water – at least eight glasses of water a day to remove histamine and soothe pain caused by injuries
    • Organic honey – use it four times a day in cases of cold sores directly on the affected area
    • Blueberries – one cup a day to treat urinary tract or bladder infections
    • Coffee – it was proven that caffeine improves the work of the stomach and leads to better absorption of pain medications which means that it is ideal for migraines and headaches
    • Flax – three tablespoons of ground flax a day for breast pain
    • Tomato juice – ten ounces a day in cases of leg cramps.

Via Herbs Info | Antranik