Your Doctor Will Never Tell You This: Blow Once in Your Thumb and Solve The Problems of Your Body




The scientific community is once again stunned by the way our bodies work because it seems that even after hundreds of years of studying there is always something new that we can learn about the human body.

In this article, we will highlight some tips and tricks that can help you enhance your health in general and support the processes in your body.

#Sore Throat

There is no doubt that soup and hot tea can relieve the pain in the throat. However, when they don’t provide any effects, people usually start getting frustrated. But, many otorhinolaryngologists claim that in order to heal a sore throat you should rely on the ears.

It turns out that the ears have many nerves and if you massage these nerves you can enhance the condition of your throat. In addition, you can practice this massage to get rid of muscle spasms.

#Nerve Relaxation

In case you are under pressure and stress, use cold water to wash your body. In this way, you will trigger the so-called snorkeling reflex found in mammals, which looks very similar to the reflex that we all have when we are diving underwater. So, use this tactic to make your body take more oxygen and optimize its use, so you can deliver more oxygen to every body part. Many doctors claim that taking one glass of cold water can help you with this issue too.

#A Blood Test

The following trick is ideal for those who are not great fans of blood tests. So, the next time the needle approaches the skin, start coughing because in this way you will start thinking about other things and you won’t notice the discomfort, stress, and pain.

#Clear a Stuffy Nose

In case you have a stuffed nose, simply put some pressure on the upper part of the jaw with the help of your tongue and use your fingers to press your eyebrows at the same time. This is where the sinuses are located.

By doing this, you’ll relax the muscles and you will solve the congestion.

#Prevent Burn Marks and Scars

Don’t focus on using something cold, just place your finger directly on the affected area to lower the temperature.


In case you are experiencing a toothache, rub an ice cube between the index finger and the thumb. It turns out that the nerves located in this area are linked to our brain and our face and they will send feedback to the body that will lower the pain.

#Cope with Nervousness

In case you are feeling nervous before some meeting or other important event, simply blow on the thumb and you will feel much calmer because you will slow down the rhythm of your heart.


Eliminate migraines without using potentially dangerous painkillers. Keep the index finger and the thumb together and slowly begin turning them. In this way, you will trigger better blood circulation from the head and neck and you will eliminate the negative energy.

Via Mind Hacks

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