Skin Care Tips for Wrinkles-Free Baby Face




With growing up, maturing, and aging, our skin is also changed, and appearing of wrinkles is inevitable. To slow down this natural process, you must follow our skincare tips. When young, we don't have to worry about the youth's look of skin and face, except in some special cases, as appearing of acne, blackheads, scars, etc. Still, no matter your age, face skin requires special care. Today it is quite easy and cheap.

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So, our advice is:

 “Follow our skincare tips, take care for your face, first wrinkles appearing and their elimination in a natural and healthy way"


Understanding Your Skin and Wrinkles

It is always nice looking at remarkable and perfect baby skin. You pass your life wondering - Where has your baby skin gone? But, before I tell you how to maintain a wrinkles-free babyface, it is necessary to know the NDTV and causes of wrinkles appearance.
  1. The epidermis is the external layer of skin that protects the internal layers from external influences. This layer is always first struck from influences and is most visible. Therefore the aging and epidermis damage is immediately visible.
  2. The dermis is the second skin layer. This layer contains connective tissues that bonding skin together. Those are collagen giving the sturdiness and elastin in charge of skin’s elasticity. Between the dermis and epidermis, a dermal-epidermal junction is found. This mid-layer enables nutrients from the blood vessels to get to the dermis and epidermis.
  3. Hypodermis or subcutaneous tissue is the lowest part of the skin. It is composed of fat cells enabling body isolation. During this time they make your skin full and plump.
Skin care tips - Epidermis Dermis and HypodermisDuring this time, epidermal cells will become thinner by 10% in each decade. As a result of lower collagen and elastin amounts, your skin will become dryer and you won’t be able to keep it baby-like skin. Wrinkles will appear. As skin itself, in the sub skin layer, fat cells become thinner which increases the chances appearing of wrinkles. Of course, you can’t prevent them from appearing. However, if you follow our skincare tips while you are still young, you can react to slowing down the effect of skin aging and wrinkles appearing.

Wrinkles Free – Skin Care Tips

Young girls want to experiment with their looks, using many kinds of make-up. They all promise a pretty, young, and fresh skin look. But, it is commonly known that they are all made up of chemicals acting harmfully on the face skin. That’s why we offer you several skincare tips that can help you slower the skin aging process and wrinkles appearing (these advice's are for boys too):
  1. Wash your face once a day, but just once (the most important of our skincare tips). Tap water has a high chlorine percent that is the main reason for creating wrinkles. In this way you will keep the skin hydrated;
  2. Wash your face with liquid sweet soap. Choose brands with moisturizers in the content. They are based on water. Don’t use regular soaps or body alkaline deodorants. On the contrary, avoid them!
  3. After washing your face, wipe it up with a clean soft towel and adhere a proper face crème;
  4. Sun and sunlight are also a reason for wrinkles appearing. That’s why, anytime you are exposed to sun, use sunscreen;
  5. The way of sleeping is also important against wrinkles appearing. It is best you sleep on your back, and not with your face on the pillow;
  6. Avoid alcohol and smoking. These bad habits are harmful to your skin but also to overall health. Except wrinkles appear, the skin loses its shine.
Over the years we all get wrinkles. However, while still young, follow these skincare tips, make your skin shine, be naturally pretty, fresh, and clean at least as prevention. By following these skincare tips you can help in preventing and postponing the first wrinkles appearing. Once again, FOLLOW OUR SKINCARE TIPS wherever you are.