No More Chemical Hair Dye, Reverse Your Graying Hair Naturally with These Foods




Many people who are focused on keeping their shape, losing weight, or boosting their health, in general, are relying on smoothies or green juices because they consider them to be great healthy food. Each of these smoothies is based on different fruits and green veggies packed with a myriad of nutrients that are good for our health. Green juices bring many health benefits and one of the most important ones is that they are slowing down the aging process. This means that they prevent or reverse certain health problems and help people look as young as possible. Numerous studies have confirmed that smoothies can lower the number and intensity of wrinkles, make eyes clearer and shinier, bring back the natural shine and color of lips, and even bring back the color of graying hair. Many people are thrilled when they hear that these beverages can stop the progress of gray hair and that they can stop coloring their hair. Let’s be clear, Gray hair looks perfectly fine on many senior citizens. However, when it comes to younger men and women, gray hair is not that attractive and this is the reason why they are trying to reverse this natural process. Hair graying happens due to mineral deficiency and these minerals can be found in green veggies and black sesame seeds. Even though white sesame seeds have some of these minerals the amount is far lesser compared to black varieties. Black sesame seeds are certainly not the first thing that crosses your mind when someone mentions anti-aging, but when it is mixed with green veggies, the combination seems to be very powerful. In this article, we will present some basic information about these foods and the way in which you can use them to stop and reverse graying hair.

Black Sesame Seeds: Health Benefits

The fact is that there is no clear scientific evidence that black sesame seeds are helpful for this purpose, but there are many people who can confirm this. As a matter of fact, these seeds are part of traditional medicine in China and they have been used for this for centuries. black-sesame-seeds1 Iron, zinc, phytosterols, vitamin E, oligosaccharides, fiber, lecithin, phosphorus, selenium, potassium, calcium, folate, and magnesium are some of the useful nutrients found in black sesame seeds in abundance. However, there are two compounds that are directly responsible for the darkening of hair – sesamolin, and sesamin. Besides this benefit, black sesame seeds are known for some other benefits:
  • Slowing down aging
  • Lowering the levels of blood sugar
  • Keeping the skin safe from UV rays effects
  • Lowering the levels of cholesterol and keeping the arteries safe from hardening
  • Providing support to the kidney and liver
  • Boosting the health of the reproductive system
  • Enhancing the immune system and keeping the body safe from oxidative stress
  • Boosting brain health and more.
In case you are interested in introducing black sesame seeds to your daily menu, keep in mind that it is the best idea to take it in the form of powder. There are places where you can purchase slightly toasted powder from these seeds. Just put them in a blender while preparing your favorite smoothies or grind them to get powder, store it in a bottle and use it in soups, oatmeal, salads, etc. The scent of this powder is very pleasant. In order to witness the positive effects of these seeds, you’ll have to use them for 2-3 months. Besides the great results for your hair, you can expect to enhance your health in general too.

Smoothies/Green Juices: Health Benefits

When it comes to smoothies or green juices, the possibility to improve your hair and bring back the natural color of your hair is something that many fans of this beverage were wondering about for years. Although fans of smoothies who have seen the positive effects claim that it takes several months before they have witnessed the changes, they all agree that it is definitely worth trying. It is good to know that there are many health benefits to the consumption of fresh smoothies or green juices. On top of that, the preparation of smoothies and green juices is not difficult and there are dozens of recipes found on the Internet. In most cases, experts advise using a mixture that comes with 80% green veggies and 20% raw fruits. In order to get the most from black sesame seeds, you should try to create a green smoothie with different ingredients. In case you have a juicer, not a blender, put the pre-grinded black sesame seeds once you are finished juicing, stir everything well and enjoy your drink. The following is an easy green smoothie recipe, ideal for beginners.

Green Juice Recipe:

  • Two big leaves of kale (feel free to use the stem too in case you are juicing)
  • Two heads of Romaine lettuce or bok choy
  • Four ribs of celery
  • A handful of rocket salad leaves
  • One lemon
  • Two green apples
  • One cup of coconut water (in case you are preparing a smoothie)
  • Fresh ginger root (one inch)
  • One tablespoon of black sesame seeds (powdered).
In case you are suffering from premature gray hair, try placing black sesame seeds and green juices on your daily menu. It is very simple and easy to make a green juice/smoothie and they are definitely packed with numerous nutrients. On the other hand, black sesame seeds can be used in almost any dish. The truth is that you don’t need to use just commercial hair products in order to combat gray hair because there are many natural alternatives out there. This process should be started by drinking one (or more) smoothies or green juices per day. This is the best way to bring your old appearance back. In addition, you will boost your health and feel fresh and energetic. Via Be Body Wise | Mind Body Green