How To Reduce Triglyceride Levels Making These 6 Simple Changes in Your Diet



by Gabriela // in Health


(HealthAndLovePage) Increased triglyceride levels in the body in a combination with high blood pressure and cholesterol are one of the main symptoms of cardiovascular disorders and disease. Of course, if all of these indicators are normal then your cardiovascular health is most likely good. That’s why it is a good idea to decrease triglyceride levels fast and the good news is that this is a relatively easy task. A simple change in your regular diet will be enough to get back the blood fat on track. These are the things that can help you with this procedure:
  1. Lose few extra pounds and lower the amount of calories. In case you are dealing with high triglyceride levels, there is a good chance that you were affected because they are in correlation. Losing just 5 kg will significantly lower triglyceride levels.
  2. Stay away from sweet, Healthline and sweet foods. It is really hard to resist these foods and drinks. The majority of people is unaware of the high caloric value of sweet soda for example. Many of these extra calories are converted to triglycerides.
  3. Eliminate trans fats from your diet and try to decrease the amount of saturated fats. According to many nutritionists, trans fats are the type of fat that brings many problems in the body. They are usually found in fried, processed or packaged foods like chips, crackers, donuts, some types of margarine and most of the retail candies.
  4. Try to avoid alcohol because it increases the triglyceride levels in the body.
  5. Engage in physical activity. It is highly recommended to be physically active for at least half an hour a day. Simply, take a walk, use a stationary bike, visit the gym or take care of your garden. It was proven that physical activity can affect the cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.
  6. Consume more fish or use omega-3 supplements. Although there is fat in fish too, this fat is unsaturated and it actually lowers the triglyceride levels.

Manage Triglyceride Levels: Omega-3 Fats

If you have read this article carefully, you’ve noticed that we have mentioned omega-3 fats before, but these fats are so useful that it is always nice to read more about them. Many doctors recommend using omega-3 capsules in order to reduce triglyceride levels. These capsules are one of the most convenient and simplest ways to deal with triglycerides. It is recommended to use doses of between one and four grams. The doses are used according to the triglyceride levels in the patient. Consult your doctor about the amount of omega-3 capsules you'll need. There is no doubt that fish are the best natural source of omega-3 fatty acids. Some of the most useful species for this purpose are sturgeon, salmon, tuna, mullet, mackerel, anchovies, trout and arrow. Flaxseed oil is another great source of omega-3 fats.

Bad fats and good fats

Meat, hard cheese, cocoa butter and butter are some of the foods rich in saturated fats. Whilst it is true that these fats are not bad for your health on their own, you should definitely use them with caution because they can increase triglycerides presence. Trans fat is a specific form of fat, industrially altered in order to increase the product’s expiration date. But, this great feature comes with a price. Trans fats are very bad for your cardiovascular health and you should try to remove them entirely from your daily diet. Trans fats can be usually found in French fries, margarine (although there are some margarine versions that don't contain trans fats), crackers, some candies and most fast food meals. The so-called polyunsaturated fats are usually found in natural foods like sunflower seeds, nuts, sesame seeds, peanut butter etc. They are the healthiest among all these fats, but they too should be used moderately. Finally, monounsaturated fats are the ones that are liquid at regular room temperature. These fats can be found in almond oil, olive oil and avocado. If you want to improve your health instantly, start using olive oil in the kitchen instead of using regular oil.


While omega-3 capsules can help, in some cases doctors prescribe medicines like statins and fibrates and niacin in order to decrease the triglyceride levels. Statins and fibrates have proven to be very effective in the reduction of triglycerides, but they come with some side effects too. Digestive disorders, increased level of liver enzymes and muscle pain are some of these side effects. That’s why you should try to stabilize the level of triglycerides by changing your diet and using omega-3 capsules and niacin first. Niacin is actually vitamin B3 which doesn’t produce any side effects although some people may experience brief face flushing. Via Healthline