Make Your HAIR Grow Like “Crazy” With This Easy Home-Made Recipe




There are a huge number of women (and some men) who want to have longer and thicker hair. These people think about the commercial products found in stores, but the truth is that these products are too expensive and none of them guarantees positive results. Luckily, you won’t need these products if you want to boost hair growth because there are certain products found in modern kitchens that can be quite helpful too. The only thing you will need to figure out is how to find the perfect combination and the right dosage and this is exactly what you will learn from this article.

Natural Hair Mask

  • Three tablespoons of olive oil
  • One egg
  • Three tablespoons of lukewarm water
  • One tablespoon of mustard powder.
Take one tablespoon of mustard in powdered form and mix it with three tablespoons of tap water in order to create a paste. After that, pour three tablespoons of olive oil and put the egg too. Mix everything well. In the end, you should get a very smooth paste with even texture.

How to Use This Mask?

Don’t wash your hair. Put the mustard-based mask on a completely dry and unwashed hair. Cover the roots only. Focus on your scalp. In addition, if you want to get additional shine and smoothness, you can add olive oil (you can also use sweet almond oil or coconut oil) to your hair’s length. Once the mask is placed on your scalp and hair, take a shower cap and put it on your head. Finally, cover everything with a warm towel. As you probably know, the mustard comes with heating properties. This ingredient is able to enhance blood flow in this area and as a result of that you will witness rapid hair growth and improved shine and thickness of your hair. Keep this natural mask on the head for about 4-5 minutes. In case you can’t bare the heat, wash the mask right away. Perform this natural treatment once every seven days for 6 or 7 weeks. Via Healthy Food Spot