God Himself Sent It To the People: This Antibiotic and Antioxidant, Cleans The Bloodstream, Destroys Cholesterol




Basil, also known as Ocimum basilicum, is a popular plant that has interesting aroma and typical oval, greenish leaves. There are a total of six different basil species and they all have different look and taste. What is more important is that they provide strong antioxidant effects which will certainly improve anyone’s lifestyle and diet by preventing the emergence of cancer and damage caused by free radicals and they also slow down aging. One of the antioxidants found in basil is beta-carotene. This antioxidant is converted to vitamin A once it enters the body. Beta-carotene is important because it stops the process of oxidation of cholesterol and keeps the blood vessels and heart safe. In addition, it protects us from asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, diseases and disorders most often caused by the activity of free radicals. There are many health benefits from using basil and we will list the most important ones:

Keeps The Blood Vessels and The Heart Safe

Basil is rich in magnesium and vitamin B6. B6 keeps the body safe from buildups of potentially dangerous compounds including homocysteine. In addition, this vitamin reduces the chances of experiencing arrhythmia and has the ability to relax the muscles. On the other hand, magnesium is an essential mineral that protects us from heart attacks and optimizes out cardiovascular system.

An Antibiotic from The Nature

Numerous scientific studies have shown that basil improves the work of the immune system. This plant comes with strong antibacterial and antiseptic properties which give it an ability to heal infections caused by bacteria.

Basil as Part of Cooking Activities

Basil is used in cuisines around the globe. The reason why basil is so popular is the fact that this herb can blend with different dishes. But, keep in mind that you should use basil once the preparation process is coming to an end because if you use it in the beginning all the properties and its taste will be ruined. In addition, it is the best idea to use fresh basil for better flavor. It is worth mentioning that the basic tea is very tasty and healthy. Just chop some basil leaves, cover them with hot water, use a dish to cover the pot and wait for about 7-8 minutes. Next, strain the content and enjoy your tea! Some people use basil when they are making desserts. You can chop some basil and create a mixture with lemon juice. After that, pour some water and juice from sugar cane and freeze the mixture in the form of ice cubes. Next, use the blender to blend the ice cubes and use them as a beautiful, refreshing ice dessert. According to some chefs, you can make a combination of mozzarella, tomato and fresh basil leaves to get a tasty salad. Pesto Genovese’s is probably the most sought-after basil-based dish. This dish includes green basil sauce, pine nuts and delicious Parmesan cheese. Via Healthy Lifestyle Advice