How to Boost the Health Benefits of Turmeric




You are probably aware that turmeric is one of the “hot” herbs in the past couple of years because of its outstanding medicinal properties, but what many people don't know is that these properties can be optimized and boosted. Turmeric comes with many health benefits, but if you want to get the most of it, you need to know how to use it. Turmeric can be easily dissolved in oil, so the best way for the body to absorb the useful compounds found in it is to combine turmeric with organic oil. When you use turmeric, try to mix it with organic olive oil or coconut oil.

How Much is Enough To Optimize The Health Benefits of Turmeric?

According to many nutrients, having one teaspoon of turmeric per day should be enough for adult individuals to feel the positive effects. You need to take turmeric on a daily basis or at least three times a week. Children under six and elderly people should use half a teaspoon per day, start with one dose per week, and gradually increase the dose to meet their individual needs. In case indigestion or other similar reactions occur, you should stop using turmeric and visit your doctor. If you want to optimize the effects of turmeric then mix it with black pepper. Numerous studies have confirmed that when turmeric is taken together with black pepper, the bioavailability of turmeric is increased 20 times. Few tips for the proper use of turmeric:
  • In case you are suffering from gallstones, consult your physician before taking any dose of turmeric. Turmeric stimulates bile production in the system and it may worsen the situation.
  • Do not take turmeric on an empty stomach.
  • Do not take turmeric with ibuprofen, aspirin, or warfarin because they are medicinal blood thinners and turmeric acts as a natural blood thinner.
What is the best form of using turmeric? Many people simply put a spoon of turmeric in warm milk, make delicious smoothies, anti-inflammatory soups, dressing, and drink it with a Prevention or as a tea. Since turmeric is dissolving in oil, it can get a form of clumps when it is used in milk. If you don't like eating turmeric clumps, then you can use turmeric/curcumin pills that can be found at almost every health food store. Many nutritionists avoid using turmeric in this form because after all this is a natural remedy and taking it in a form of a pill doesn't seem right. People usually add turmeric in:
  • Stir-fries.
  • Soup.
  • Fish.
  • Yogurt.
Finally, turmeric can be used together with coconut oil. It is best to use it in the morning after your breakfast – simply add one tablespoon of turmeric in a spoonful of coconut oil. Remember that turmeric is a powerful herb and it can certainly affect the state of your health. That’s why it is probably a good idea to consult a naturopath or your doctor before including turmeric in your diet. Don’t forget to purchase turmeric from reliable sources that provide organic food. Sources: MBG Food Everyday Health Everyday Health