Green chili is the fruit of the Capsicum Frutescens flowering plant of the species Capsicum annuum.
It is a staple of the Indian and South American cuisine, and its strong pungent heat can easily make our face red.

However, besides their use in the kitchen, green chilies are full of medical and health benefits. We present you just ten of them.

Green Chili Health Benefits
1. Prevent Cancer
They are packed with antioxidants which prevent free radicals from damaging our body. Green chilies slow down the aging process and boost our natural immunity to cancer.2. Digestive Health
The dietary fiber in green chilies help in colon cleansing and healthy bowel movement. This fiber prevents constipation by stimulating the movement of material through the digestive system.3. Eye Health
Green chilies contain vitamin A which significantly improves the eyesight.4. Fight Inflammation
According to a new study, hot chilies lower the risk of cancer, thanks to the capsaicin which is part of the green chilies’ content. Capsaicin helps prevent prostate cancer, and slows down the growth of leukemia cells.5. Packed with Iron
Green chilies contain high amounts of iron which helps improve our hemoglobin levels. This in turn improves the oxygen supply to the cells throughout our body, and it’s especially helpful in cases of anemia.6. Healhty Skin
Vitamin E is essential for the production of specific natural skin oils, and green chilies are packed with it. Eating spicy food can indeed give you beautiful and healthy skin.7. Packed with Minerals
Green chilies are rich in numerous minerals, including iron, potassium, manganese, and magnesium. Our body uses manganese as a co-factor for the superoxide dismutas enzyme. Potassium on the other hand is important part of cell and body fluids which helps control our heart rate and blood pressure.8. Boost the Immune System
It is known that vitamin C boosts our natural immunity to various illnesses, and green chilies are an excellent vitamin C source.9. Weight Loss
Chilies improve the metabolism in our body, helping us to burn the few excess pounds.10. Improve Mood
Chilies increase the production of endorphin hormone, thus improving our mood. So, if you ever feel happy after eating some green chilies, you’ll know your great mood is not a coincidence. Via 1 Million Health Tips
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