Bottled Water Exposed (Not Good) & A List Of Brands To Avoid Revealed By Experts




Right after the Second World War, the authorities have started using fluoride in tap water in order to boost people’s dental health. This compound is part of many popular types of toothpaste because scientists claim that it has the ability to protect us from tooth decay. However, a few scientific studies conducted not while ago showed that this chemical is causing more damage than good. For instance, it leads to fluorosis – teeth deformation that cannot be healed. Namely, overuse of fluoride can cause fluroris, a health issue commonly found in kids especially those that are up to eight years old when they are in a period where their permanent teeth are molding and growing. Some of the problems caused by this chemical include teeth staining, abnormalities found in the teeth’s surface, huge pits that can lead to the formation of holes etc. In addition, it was proven that fluoride can affect the cognitive development in kids. As a matter of fact, a Chinese scientific study has shown that kids who lived in places where tap water has significant amount of fluoride had worse IQ tests compared to kids who lived in areas with low fluoride levels in the water. According to one of the participants in the study, Philippe Grandjean, the lower IQ is a direct result of the negative effects that fluoride provides to the brain. At this period of development, fluoride can be compared to mercury, lead and similar toxic elements. Even though the effects of these elements is relatively small, when they are combined together the damage is significant. We should not forget that children are our future and lowering their IQ is the worst thing that can happen. Three out of four people in the United States are consuming water that comes with fluoride level of between 0.7 and 1.2 parts per million. The levels of fluoride are recommended by the government as a way to fight tooth decay. According to Grandjean, the fact that there were studies related to fluoride in the last seven decades doesn’t mean that we know everything about the effects of this compound especially when it comes to brain development. As a matter of fact, there is lack of studies on this subject. After reading this information, you are probably thinking about bottled water as a safe alternative. This is quite logical and this is one of the main reasons why so many people are buying bottled water from brands that say that their water will improve our health. Sadly, many of these bottled water products are not very pure or useful. In fact, most brands use ordinary, tap water in the bottles which means that there is a chance of fluoride presence. At the same time there is a number of spring water products that have this chemical. A scientific study revealed in the famous Journal of Epidemiological and Community Health found that people who drink fluoridated water have greater chances of experiencing thyroid problems. The scientists behind this study say that in many parts of our planet, hypothyroidism is a serious health issue and besides other causes, like lack of iodine, overexposure to fluoride is one of the causes that contribute to the emergence of this health problem. This study is questioning the usefulness of fluoridation of public water systems. In order to help you stay away from bottle water brands that include fluoride in their products, we have created this list: Sierra Springs, Alhambra, Arrowhead, Sparkletts, Belmont Springs, Mount Olympus, Crystal Rock, Poland Spring, Shenandoah, Crystal Springs, Diamond Springs, Deer Park, Hindley Spring, Nursery Water, Kandiyohi, Ice Mountain, Kentwood Springs, Puritan Springs, Ozarka, Mayer Bros, Zephyrhills and Pure Flo. On the other hand, this is a list of brands that don’t have fluoride in their bottled water products: Crystal Point, Aquafina, Deja Blue, Dannon, Fresh Market, Evian, Smart Water, Great Value, Summit Springs, Summit Mountains and Smart Water.

A Few Things People Should Know About Bottled Water

1. Bottled Water Will Cost You More Compared to Tap Water

Several studies have shown that the bottled water industry makes 11.8 billion dollars on nearly 9.7 billion gallons of water per year. These statistics are three year sold, so they are probably making more today. This means that one gallon of bottled water costs $1.22 which is 300 times more than one gallon of tap water. In addition, 66% of bottled water bought by individuals are 500 ml bottles, which means that the final cost is even higher because these bottles cost more. But, these numbers are not the only ones that will shock you. Namely, bottled water sales have increased 3.5 times in the past 20 years. On top of that, the plastic bottles used for this water create piles of trash which is not always recycled. So, it turns out that by protecting our health we are causing damage to the environment which eventually leads to health problems too.

2. Bottled Water Contains Potentially Hazardous Elements

As you are probably aware, companies spend huge amount of oil to create plastic bottles. According to official statistics, the amount of oil spent for this purpose in one year can provide fuel for about one million vehicles per year. A few years ago, scientists from Germany have found that EDCs or endocrine disrupting chemicals, chemicals that have the ability to disrupt proper reproduction and development, are present in more than a dozen of popular brands of bottled water. There were more than24.000 chemicals present in these water products, but there was one in particular that was especially dangerous – di(2-ethylhexyl) fumarate of DEHF. This chemical can lead to anti-estrogenic and anti-androgenic reactions ad processes in the body. It is good to point out that endocrine disruptors are actually chemicals that have the ability to disrupt the hormonal processes and lead to birth defects, cancerous tumors, metabolic problems, cardiovascular issues and developmental problems. Several in vitro scientific studies have shown that EDCs are present in bottled water. Additionally, there are steroid receptor antagonists that make the situation worse. Scientists have relied on spectrometric simulation to single out DEHF as an isolated EDC providing increase of harmful activity. As previously mentioned, DEHS is an anti-estrogenic substance. This means that there is at least one other EDC that is still not identified in the studies that provides anti-androgenic effects.

3. Bottled Water Might Have Lower Quality Compared to Tap Water

Cleveland was one of the first cities where the officials have tested bottled water. Namely, they have analyzed the Fiji Water bottled water brand and found that their products include arsenic particles. At the same time, they have confirmed that tap water in Cleveland doesn’t have arsenic in it.

So, What’s Really Going On?

Well, bottled water producers don’t have to provide detailed information about the substances found in their products unlike local authorities. In other words, the FDA is monitoring bottled water while EPA is monitoring tap water. EPA has stronger regulatory authority compared to the FDA. It seems that the list of bottled water brands that include potentially dangerous substances in their products is long. Having access to clean drinking water is the number one priority of many governments in the world and while it’s true that bottled water can help in some cases, we should focus on improving the quality of tap water. People should drink healthy water without spending too much money on it. Bottled water is far more expensive and potentially dangerous. Via CR