How to Make Ginger Water to Treat Migraines, Heart Burn, Joint and Muscle Pain




Chinese were the first people to use ginger, ever since ancient times. The rest of us learned the powerful properties of this spicy root in the last couple of years. Ginger is rich in manganese and potassium. It strengthens the heart and the immune system and is beneficial for our overall health. Thanks to the high amount of silicon, it’s also great for our teeth, skin, hair, and nails. Ginger is loaded with vitamins A, B, C, and E, and it’s a great source of phosphorus, iron, and sodium. Beta-carotene, calcium, and zinc. Phytotherapy Research has published a study that shows that this root is the best remedy for joint pain and inflammation. Gingerols, the active constituents of ginger, restore the normal function of the nerves, muscles, and ankles. Some people use it to relieve chronic headaches and migraines. We recommend ginger water for anyone with heartburn, headaches, muscle pain, and inflamed joints. Here’s how to make it.

Required Ingredients:

  • Ginger – 2inch piece
  • Water – 3 cups
  • Raw honey
  • Half a lemon


Grate the piece of ginger in a container, and add the water together with the juice of half a lemon. Add some raw honey to the mixture, and you have your pain reliever ready to use. Consume it every day, and see how your pains disappear. Via Mama Mia Recipes | Tropixs | Healthy Food House