Top 3 Ways to Support pH Balance – Alkaline Foods List




A glass of lemon water in the morning will help you stay hydrated for the whole day

Lemons are rich in vitamins and that’s something we all know. What most people don’t know is that lemons have acidic properties in their natural form, but when they are mixed with water they have alkaline properties. Instead of using expensive artificially created water ionizers, use ¼ of fresh-squeezed lemon in two cups of lukewarm water. Take this drink in the morning to clean your digestive system, balance the acids in the system, and boost your metabolism.

Take food in its natural form and drink all-natural juices and smoothies.

Leafy greens, vegetables, wheat grass, seeds, nuts, and certain fruits can be used for the creation of tasty and highly effective organic green juices and green smoothies. Their ingredients like minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, oxygen, and chlorophyll, alkalize the body and even prevent the occurrence of damaged, unhealthy cells, bacteria, and other potentially dangerous microorganisms. On the other hand, consuming processed food stimulates the appearance of these harmful organisms.

Engage in physical activity, control your stress, sleep better, and get rid of your nasty habits.

Many things affect human health. It is very important to take care of our diet, but it is also very important to pay attention to the physical activity we have during the day. In addition, stress, drugs, and cigarettes increase the level of acids in the body and lead to inflammation. The pH in your system is affected by the unhealthy modern lifestyle that many people practice. Although many people consider stress to be a myth when it comes to developing diseases, the truth is that emotional stress triggers the release of acid-forming hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which disturb the normal functioning of the system. There are many ways to avoid this situation – meditation, pilates, yoga, exercising in a gym or at home, breathing exercises, developing a stress management strategy, etc. All these things can improve your health on a cellular level.

Alkaline Foods vs. Acidic Foods

Unfortunately, many people don’t know which food is acidic and which one is alkaline. They often make the wrong choices. Scientists usually burn samples of food to ashes when they want to check the acidic or alkaline food properties. The ash with high alkaline mineral levels comes from alkaline foods. It is good to point out that people can find different sources arguing about certain foods and their alkalizing or acidic properties. Some claim that certain type of food is more acidic while others say that food is less acidic. The point is that you don’t have to be careful when choosing food. The only thing you need to do is to be careful with highly acidic food. Since only a small number of people have access to scientific labs I have added some sources that can help you make the right choice. Fortunately, numerous foods can help you alkalize your body and reach the right pH level. Olive oil – Olive oil is the king among oils. This oil is a valuable food rich in carotenoids and chlorophyll, which provide the color of the oil. However, what is even more important is the fact that they also provide antioxidant properties to this oil. The antioxidant activity is boosted by the presence of vitamin E too. Vitamin E is present in olive oil in the form of polyphenols and phenols. Olive oil prevents the occurrence of inflammation and helps the system reduce the effects of inflammation, which makes this oil one of the best alkaline foods. Flax seed and flaxseed oil – Many experts classify flaxseed as a superfood. Flaxseeds are one of the most powerful foods on the planet. There is strong evidence that the consumption of flaxseed can reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, Kris Carr diseases, and diabetes. Flaxseed is a great metabolism booster. It contains vitamins A, B, E, and F as well as omega-3,6 and 9 fatty acids. It is no wonder why flaxseed is present in many healthy smoothies and detox treatments. In addition, flaxseed contains substances that have a positive impact on skin health – they remove wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. The same goes for flaxseed oil. Buckwheat – Many people use buckwheat as an alternative to wheat. A buckwheat grain is rich in nutrients. It consists of carbs, proteins, and mineral oils. Buckwheat contains almost all groups of vitamin B and a huge amount of niacin. The proteins found in buckwheat have better quality compared to those found in other grains and they contain B1 and B2 vitamins, which improves the resistance in the blood vessels. Buckwheat is also rich in fiber and minerals such as manganese and magnesium. Gluten-free makes it the perfect choice for those who are allergic to gluten. Melon – Melons are usually consumed during hot summer days when people need refreshments. Only a small number of people know that melons are rich in vitamins. It contains vitamins A, B1, B5, B6, C, and E. It also has folic acid, magnesium, niacin, zinc, iron, and beta-carotene in it. This combination is a great source of energy. Because of its ingredients melon comes with many beneficial effects especially when it comes to headaches, obesity, allergies, inflammations, and even some more serious conditions like strokes, heart diseases, and cancer. Cabbage, Swiss chard, sauerkraut - All these vegetable plants are getting quite popular in the past decade and numerous studies have confirmed that they come with many health benefits. They are especially useful as an immune system boosters. They have a very small number of calories and all of them are rich in vitamin C. They also have vitamin B and carotene. In the past, these vegetable plants were used as natural antibiotics too. You can use them in any form even as juices. Source: Healthy Food House