He Mixed 3 Ingredients and Applied to His Hair! Here are The Results after 7 Days




Some people find it hard to accept their hair loss and they feel like they are losing part of their identity. It can affect their self-confidence and in some cases, it can even lead to depression. Hereditary hair loss is the medical condition that’s the most common reason for hair loss. Approximately, around 80 million people in America suffer from this kind of hair loss (1). But hair loss can be caused by many other reasons. Some women might notice losing their hair after giving birth. Another reason can be going through a very stressful period. There are some medical treatments and diseases that can also lead to hair loss.

Hair Mask with Beer and Honey

Required Ingredients:


Mix all the listed ingredients in a blender. Apply the resulted mixture to your hair and use a plastic bag to wrap your head. Let it act for one to two hours before shampooing and conditioning your hair. Do this at least once a week to obtain optimal results. The main ingredients of beer hops and malt are great sources of protein. Besides obtaining protein, the beer will also provide you with other nutrients like potassium, magnesium, B vitamins (especially biotin), and phosphorus. Biotin helps promote hair growth, and prevents hair loss and dandruff. Since bananas are packed with vitamins A, C, E, and potassium, they are excellent for homemade hair loss remedies. Via Shiny Leaf | Be Beautiful