These 2 Ingredients Remove POUNDS of Toxins from Your Intestines!




Almost every body part is affected by the things we consume, but obviously the digestive system is exposed the most. Over some period of time, waste and toxins start accumulating in this system and they lead to many different health problems like diarrhea, constipation, weak immune system, irregular bowel movement and low levels of energy. Those who are dealing with these problems should know that a simple colon detoxification can help them solve all the issues, optimize bowel work and improve their overall health. This cleansing is often considered to be the first action in the process of losing weight and it is part of every serious program for losing weight. A huge number of health specialists recommend cleansing of this part of the body before starting any weight loss program. In case you didn’t know, Elvis lost his life due to colon blockage caused by excessive consumption of red meat and few other junk foods. Although he used different kinds of laxatives and similar pharmaceutical drugs this wasn’t very helpful. An average person has a colon that is between 5 and 7 inches long and has 2 inches in diameter. But, the colon of The King was around 3.5 inches in diameter in certain areas and more than 4.5 inches in others. His colon was packed with white fecal leftovers. According to many experts, if he performed a thorough detoxification he would’ve probably survived. Now let’s highlight the two amazing ingredients for colon detoxification and for the improvement of overall health.


Kefir is actually a fermented beverage that usually consists of milk and specific grains that are good for the body. This beverage is an excellent source of protein and contains huge amounts of minerals, amino acids and B vitamins. Some experts claim that the reason why kefir is so useful is the fact that it comes with a few strains of useful bacteria and healthy yeasts. With the help of these probiotic structures people can thoroughly clean the intestines, return the balance and harmony in the intestinal flora and eliminate pathogens like E. coli and different parasites. This drink can also optimize the digestive system, soothe inflammatory bowel disease and strengthen the immune system. Several studies have shown that kefir should be used by individuals who experience intolerance to lactose.


Flaxseed is the second ingredient known for its cleansing properties. These seeds soak water and increase their size while they are going through your colon. In other words, they act like some sort of natural brush that removes the waste and toxins. Flaxseed is packed with alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) which is a type of omega-3 fatty acids. Alpha-linoleic acid is praised for its anti-inflammatory effects and soothes the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Since our digestive system has difficulties digesting whole flaxseeds, it is the best idea to grind these seeds with the help of a coffee grinder. But, grind them before you use them because flax seeds are fresh and useful just one day even when they are kept in the fridge. Many people use flaxseed oil, but this oil is not useful when it comes to colon cleanse.

Using a Combination of Kefir and Flaxseed

Before we share the details about this remedy, we must point out that fermented food are often problematic for digestion especially in people who don’t use them frequently. The best option is to begin using smaller quantities and gradually increase the intake. In addition, take this remedy 2-3 days a week for 15 days. After this period, your body should restore the optimal capacity of the immune system.
Now here’s how you can prepare and use this natural remedy:
Take 1/3 or ¼ glass of kefir and pour one tablespoon of flaxseed (grounded). Consume this mixture on an empty stomach in the morning and another glass before bedtime. In addition, you must consume eight (or more) glass of water on a daily basis. Perform this procedure for one week and take a break of 2-3 days. After this period of time, you can use the natural cleanser again. Perform this procedure as many times as you want. If you have any problems with the colon, it is crucial to opt for an all-natural approach when it comes to cleansing. You should know that the digestive tract is packed with many good bacteria and by performing a fast and unnatural colon detoxification you will eliminate the good bacteria too and make the situation even worse. Via David Wolfe