Neighbors Finally Figure Out Why Woman Was Putting Irish Spring Soap In Yard




If you take a close inspection of your yard or any yard, you will notice that perennials can be found everywhere. This is certainly good news for the herbivores because they are fond of them. And when we say herbivore we are thinking about a wide range of animals including deer. That’s right, even deer enter our yard from time to time to have a dinner or lunch. Every garden store has at least one type of rabbit or deer repellents. However, the vast majority of these products represent topical solutions that must be re-applied after rain or dew. On top of that, they are quite costly too. Neighbors Finally Figure Out Why Woman Was Putting Irish Spring Soap In Yard What is even worse is that most of them include some unpleasant smells like coyote urine for example which makes our yard a little bit uncomfortable for staying. That’s why many people are looking for a natural solution and it looks like Irish Spring is the best one. Take an Irish Spring soap and cut it into relatively small cubes. Next, use scraps of cloth to wrap these soap cubes and attach them to a metal or wooden post/stick. Place these posts strategically in the places where there is vegetation in abundance. You can also place tiny pieces in other areas too. In this way you will get a fresh smell in your yard and you shouldn’t be worried about rain because the effects will remain even after heavy rain. You will need to replace the pieces of soap every month or two. Via Curbly