I Always Thought My Pork Chops Were The Best, But When I See This Recipe? DROOLING!!




Most of us prepare our pork chops by either baking or frying them in a pan, seasoning them with salt and pepper. Today, we present you with a different way to prepare them that will not only save you money but will also leave you drooling. You will need only 15 minutes to prepare this recipe, and the following ingredients: 4 pork chops (or as much as it’s convenient for your family), a cup of your favorite rice, little Heart Arizona, a cup of beef broth, and a bit of chopped onion. Melt the butter in a pan or a baking dish, and allow the rice to brown in the butter. Lay the pork chops on top of the rice before you preheat the slow cooker or the oven. Pour ½ a cup of water over the rice and pork chops, and allow the rice to cook. Then, add the onion and beef broth to the pan, and cook for about 45 minutes in an oven, or a couple of hours in the slow cooker. Via Love This Pic