What Happens When a Fly Lands on Your Food?




Whenever a fly lands on your food, we usually ask ourselves – is the food contaminated or what happens when these annoying insects touch our food? Laci decided to perform a research in order to understand what is really going on. (Caution: Avoid watching this video while eating) A survey that was conducted not while ago was focused on one question: “In case you are at a restaurant, which situation will make you stop eating and leave the restaurant: snakes, ants, flies, cockroaches or rodents? About 60% of participants answered – cockroaches. However, scientists claim that flies are 200% more likely to spread bacteria and germs and this is especially true for common houseflies.

So, how did they come to this conclusion?

Flies are insects that feed on some of the most disgusting things we can imagine: trash, poop, rotting animals, fruits and vegetables. It is interesting to mention that flies can’t chew food which means that in order to consume food they actually spit up enzymes directly on the food. These enzymes dissolve the food and let the flies slurp up the food. As you can see the procedure is very disgusting, but this is not the real problem. The problem is the viruses and bacteria that can be found on their bodies and that can easily spread to people and make them sick. It only takes a short contact between the food and the legs or their short hairs found all over their body to pollute food with germs that come from their usual diet. Flies are able to transfer some very dangerous and contagious diseases like typhoid, dysentery and cholera, so it is always a good idea to stop eating your meal whenever a fly lands on it.
  • Do you throw your food when a fly lands on it or not?
  • Will you start following this advice once you watch the video?
  • Finally, will you stop eating your meal if this happens in a restaurant?
Please share your views and thoughts. Study: Flies on food should make you drop your fork