5 Early Warning Signs of Breast Cancer No One Talks About




The month dedicated to breast cancer awareness is over and all the signs that represent this month are being removed. We will know witness only the standard activities of the cancer industry like appeals for women to perform regular mammogram screenings and making efforts to collect donation used for cancer research. What these activities definitely miss is practical tips for prevention of breast cancer and tools that every woman can use in order to avoid this vicious type of cancer. If you are a health-aware person, you are probably interested in the things that you can check in this moment in order to prevent breast cancer instead of looking for a way to deal with cancer once it occurs (we hope that this is something that no woman will experience). This is why we have created a list of five warning signs of breast cancer that must be taken seriously although mass media rarely mentions these signs. By identifying these 5 signs of breast cancer you will get advantage and protect yourself in a timely manner.

Warning Signs of Breast Cancer

1. Do more than simple lumps check

Doctors usually use the old effective method to check for breast cancer in women – finding breast lumps. In order to find these lumps they usually use mammogram x-rays. With the help of x-rays, doctors get a clear picture about the state of breast tissue and they can easily mark unusual masses, lumps and other formations that shouldn’t be present in this area. However, mammograms are potentially dangerous and can lead to cancer because they rely on ionizing radiation. In addition, this technique is not completely accurate contrary to popular belief. Masses and lumps that occur in breast tissue can be classified as harmful or malignant and harmless or benign and mammograms can’t make a distinction between these two groups. In other words, it is not unusual to get improper diagnosis which may lead to unnecessary and dangerous chemo or radiation therapies. According to many experts, the safer option is to use thermography for regular breast cancer screenings. Thermography is a special screening technique which helps doctors determine growths and lumps and in addition, it helps them determine whether angiogenesis is present in the tissue or not. In this way, they can get better picture about the condition of the patient and come up with more precise diagnosis. New blood vessel growth or angiogenesis is usually an indicator for the body’s effort to create a new supply system in order to deliver blood to emerging breast tumors. Doctors who have experience in thermography will easily find out whether angiogenesis is present or not. [thrive_link color='blue' link='http://www.healthandlovepage.com/how-she-cured-her-breast-cancer/' target='_blank' size='small' align='aligncenter']Here's How She Cured Her Breast Cancer the Natural Way[/thrive_link]

2. Cellular health and hormonal balance

There are many modern health specialists that want to put the focus of this problem on genetics. They claim that the daughters of mothers who had such problem are at greatest risk. In other words, they make people believe that cancer is something unavoidable. Of course, there is some truth in what they are saying because genetics is one of the factor, but not the only one. The vast majority of breast cancer cases are directly related to lifestyle, nutrition and environment. These factors affect the balance and production of hormones in a woman’s body. So, hormone imbalance is a more significant factor in the emergence of breast cancer despite the claims of some health experts. With the help of thermography, physicians can see whether a woman has increased chances of breast cancer development because of this factor.

3. Understand the natural rhythms of the body

The body of every woman has its own ups and downs and learning more about the body’s rhythm is crucial for our health. By noticing any change in the body, especially changes in the breast tissue, you will be able to prevent breast cancer. In case you notice any pains or aches in the breasts that are out of the ordinary, like pain, fluctuating feeling and throbbing, consult a doctor. There are many women who believe that only a painful lump is an indicator of breast cancer. The fact is that breast cancer can come in different forms and sometimes it can affect the entire breast. Specialists that work at the MD Anderson Cancer Center located in Houston have warned the public that this type of cancer often manifests without the presence of typical lumps. Some of the symptoms that indicate possible presence of breast cancer are dimpling, irritation, swelling, nipple inversion and discharge and stiffness of the skin in the area around the nipple. Make sure to check for patterns that suggest change or any new and out of the ordinary signs and symptoms that occur in specific periods of your life. It is crucial to understand that pain that occurs from time to time may not be a sign of developing breast cancer, but constant itching or irritation for example, could signal improper lymph function, fluid accumulation or the system is making efforts to make new blood vessels to serve breast tumors. [thrive_link color='green' link='http://www.healthandlovepage.com/causes-of-breast-cancer/' target='_blank' size='small' align='aligncenter']Primary Causes of Breast Cancer Every Woman Needs to Know[/thrive_link]

4. Is back pain related to breast cancer development?

It is not unusual for modern women to feel back pain. Upper back pain that manifests as pain that comes from the deepest layers of our bones is one of the early symptoms of breast cancer. However, this is also a frequent sign of other conditions, so don’t think that occasional pain in this area means that you are becoming cancer patient. If the chronic back pain cannot be solved with stretching, exercise, yoga, chiropractic or other conventional methods of pain relief, then this may be a stronger sign that you are experiencing cancer tumors. In some cases, when breast cancer tumors are formed, these tumors add pressure directly on the spine and ribs which ultimately leads to continuous pain. Women must be careful and monitor the changes in their upper back, spinal column and neck. Consult your doctor in case the pain you feel is unusual.

5. Cancer and improper nutrition

In case you are not taking the right amount of nutrients (for instance, lack of vitamin D and iodine), the chances of developing breast cancer will be significantly increased. Although this might sound odd, women in the Western countries are often suffering from nutrient deficiency. There are many people who are not aware that the things that they don’t eat are increasing the chances of developing serious health issues including breast cancer. 3 out of 4 adults considered to be healthy actually lack iodine and this substance has proven to be very important in reversing cancer cells especially in the breast. In addition, vitamin D deficiency also increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer. A study conducted 3 years ago and presented in the popular Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism has shown that inadequate vitamin D levels are typical for women suffering from breast cancer. There were few other studies that had similar conclusions. So, it is always a good idea to improve your diet, but you should also look for natural supplements that will improve the level of vitamin D, iodine, zinc, selenium and other helpful nutrients. There are many women who seek advice from integrative doctors and naturopaths. These specialists can find the nutrients that are not present in your system in the right amount. Via The Truth About Cancer