5 Easy Ways to Remove Mercury and Other Toxic Pollutants from Your Body




There is only a small number of people who know that heavy metals like lead, mercury and aluminum, tend to accumulate in our body over some period of time and this buildup results in many different health issues including neurological problems, heart disease and birth defects. Luckily, there is more than one good way to eliminate these toxins from the system. Us these tips starting from today in order to lower the quantity of heavy metals that are slowly ruining your health.

1. Get rid of the silver fillings

Mercury is an extremely dangerous substance for human health, so why use them in dental fillings? In order to remove amalgam fillings from your mouth, use the help of a dentist who has experience in this field. In the moment mercury-based fillings are removed, these fillings break apart and small mercury particles are released in the mouth. This is the reason why the IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology) sticks to a protocol in order to protect human health when mercury-based fillings are extracted from the mouth. It is a good idea to contact an IAOMT office and get a list of dentist offices that follow this protocol in your place.

2. Stay away from toothpastes that contain fluoride

Fluoride is a type of metal known for its ability to cause reactions when it gets in contact with other metals. In this case, it worsens the impact of mercury on our health. The good news is that it is quite simple to find toothpaste that is fluoride free. In addition, teeth brushing can also raise the level of mercury vapor in the oral cavity. Avoid brushing the amalgam fillings directly or simply rely on a mouthwash until the fillings are removed. [thrive_link color='red' link='http://www.healthandlovepage.com/search/fluoride/' target='_blank' size='big' align='aligncenter']New Study Show That Coconut Oil is Better Than Any Toothpaste[/thrive_link]

3. Use a magnesium capsule

Magnesium works together with citrate and malate in order to create non-harmful substances that can be removed from the system. In addition, this combination can remove mercury even from the central nervous system. Citrate and malate are products of metabolism. If you make a combination of magnesium with citrate and malate, you will be able to improve the protection because magnesium prevents the overexcitement of neurons. Magnesium citramate is a product from The Thorne Research company and this product contains citrate and malate. Use two capsules, two times a day. In addition, magnesium will improve your immune system and lower the chances of experiencing strokes, heart attacks and prevents the health of brain too.

4. Consume more garlic

This vegetable can assist the removal of dangerous mercury from the nervous system. Try using garlic extract on a daily basis. Experts suggest taking between 300 and 600 mg, three times a day. This extract is completely natural and safe and provides long-term results. In case you eat fish that contains mercury, use garlic or garlic extract as addition in order to prevent the negative effects.

5. Take more fruits and veggies

To be more precise, take more glutathione. This natural protein is most present in fresh veggies and fruits. Glutathione is circulating all over the body all the time. This protein eliminates the effects of free radicals and helps the body remove toxins from the central nervous system. People feel the best when they have high levels of glutathione and the body is able to protect itself from health problems. Adding glutathione to your daily diet is simple. Just make sure that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables every day. Mercury and similar toxic ingredients are found in many products. By following these tips, your body will be able to eliminate all the threats. Don’t wait for tomorrow in order to perform these actions, start now and feel the difference.