The Vaccine That Causes Cancer




Would you eat a fruit that was treated with phenol, aluminum, acetone, mercury and thousands of bacteria and infections? Every normal person would say no, yet most people find injecting mixtures like this in our body a normal thing too. Vaccines contain many of the aforementioned substances and once it enters the body it travels to every body part. So, why exactly should we accept vaccines? About one hundred years ago, Dr. W.B. Clarke, a physician from Indiana, pointed out that cancer was extremely rare at least before vaccination with cowpox vaccine became mandatory. He said that he has personally diagnosed and treated more than 200 patients suffering from cancer. The interesting part is that he had never diagnosed cancer in an unvaccinated individual. Vaccines contain formaldehyde and this compound has been linked to a few different types of cancers. Formaldehyde is used in many different vaccines including DT, Anthrax vaccine, DTaP, HPV, Hib, Hep B, Hep A, Meningitis, Influenza, Polio etc. This compound has been listed as a carcinogen. This information can be confirmed by both the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) and the EPA. The manufacturers of these vaccines don’t test their products for elements that might trigger cancers and this is something that they are not hiding. As a matter of fact, this information can be found on every vaccine. For instance, Merck produces the so-called MMR vaccine which has a package insert saying that the vaccine has not been tested for mutagenic or carcinogenic effects or its ability to affect fertility. There are many toxic components found in vaccines like formaldehyde or formalin, SV40 virus, aluminum and mercury that can stay in our body and remain passive for a few years only to be triggered by some other factors and lead to dangerous diseases. There is no doubt that vaccines are very profitable for the manufacturers and some laws in the US that were passed in the last two decades limited the responsibility of drug companies in cases of certain side effects. About 40 years ago, Germany decided to stop giving whooping cough or pertussis vaccination. Nowadays, about 10% of the children in Germany are vaccinated against pertussis. The truth is that the number of kids affected by this disease dropped after the vaccine became voluntary. So, any person, even a doctor that tells you that vaccines are perfectly safe is not telling the truth! Source Ema Europa | Actip | Immunize