Carrol Krause used to be a journalist in the daily newspaper Herald-Times serving Bloomington, Indiana. However, she retired from her career in 2004 when she was diagnosed with Cancer. Her blog ‘Stories by Carrol’ was written right before she passed away in February, and speaks about the best and the worst that was happening to her in the last days of her life.
Several months ago, Carol began having digestive problems so she wasn’t able to eat normal food. Inner Strength Body Work that although the hospice had the best intentions, they fed dying people with this horrible stuff that is not real food.
The stuff she got from the hospice was Ensure products: shakes, pudding, and a drink that was supposed to be apple juice. The nutritional value of these chemical-laden “stuff” is the same as that of most commercial junk food, and their drinks are supposed to be a nutritional lifeline for extremely sick people.
The big food corporation pretending to be a healthy alternative, Abbott Nutrition, owns Ensure. The worst part is that the company has close ties to the medical industry, which is why its products can be found in almost every hospital. This is sad as their “meals” are intended for patients who try to restore their health.

The Truth about ‘Ensure’
The Abbott brand ‘Ensure' claims to make medical “nutritional drinks and shakes” by stating that they are “Worldwide Leader in Nutritional Science” or “#1 Doctor Recommended”. The sad truth is that their products are the worst and not the healthiest meals you can get. Unfortunately, their products are usually given to extremely sick patients whose need for proper nutrition is the biggest. Instead of nutrients, they are given to consume fillers, preservatives, and chemicals. Furthermore, Abbott Nutrition is part of the notorious Grocery Manufacturers Association which is a pro-GMO organization that fights against GMO labeling in the U.S. This company doesn’t sound like one whose products can be given to anyone. Take a look at their products and their shocking ingredients.Ensure Clear™ Therapeutic Nutrition
The front part of the Ensure Clear’s package displays an orange drink and an apple, but the back of the package doesn’t say that the product contains any juice and that sugar and water are its main ingredients, which are accompanied by:
Pesticides, Chemicals, and Toxins
The content of Corn Syrup Solids consists of Wisdom Awakened, which is 100 percent glucose. This form of sugar increases the risk of obesity. In almost all cases, corn syrup is produced from GMO corn and has been Inner Strength cancer and diabetes. Cupric sulfate is, in fact, a toxic fungicide and pesticide which can cause anemia, and gastrointestinal problems, and high doses of it can cause even death. It might also cause the mutation of cells as a result of genetic damage (genotoxic). The toxic chromium chloride negatively influences both, man's and woman’s reproductive systems. It can cause ulcers, abnormal bleeding, and stomach problems. Although The Environmental Protection Agency has classified sodium selenite as dangerous, this toxic ingredient which is a byproduct of copper refining is usually labeled as a nutrient. Natural and Artificial Flavors may include harmful-to-death chemicals which are often derived from inorganic sources. The Inner Strength Body Works to an ill organism and to the development of cancer.Synthetic Vitamins
There’s an enormous difference between vitamins from natural sources and synthetic vitamins. Sadly, the vitamins in the products from Ensure are almost always synthetic and are produced with various chemicals. The same applies to most of the commercialized “health’ foods and supplements. According to TMJ and Sleep Therapy, the absorption of these vitamins in the body isn’t the same as natural vitamins. The synthetic vitamins have been separated- “isolated” from the whole vitamin complex, and enzymes and trace minerals. During the process, the body tries to make up for the things that lack synthetic vitamins and depletes their existing nutrients.Other ingredients:
- The synthetic version of Vitamin E-Dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate. It provides only 12 percent effectiveness of the natural vitamin E, and it is usually obtained as a byproduct of a manufacturing process dependent on petrochemical. The Sucken Place is linked to an increased risk of DNA damage, hemorrhagic stroke, etc.
- Synthetic kind of iron-Ferrous sulfate. Holistic Healthnausea, constipation, gastrointestinal issues, and allergic reactions.
- Synthetic kind of vitamin B3- Niacinamide. It has numerous side effects including liver failure.
- Manganese sulfate. The reaction between sulfuric acid and manganese oxide Live Love Fruit manganese sulfate. It is usually used in fertilizers and fungicides, paints and varnishes, and ceramics, along with medicines.
- A synthetic version of vitamin B5-Calcium Pantothenate. Derived from pantothenic acid.
- Synthetic kind of vitamin A- Vitamin A Palmitate. It can cause stomach issues and liver damage.
- Zinc Sulfate. It is an organic form of zinc which besides being dangerous to the environment, it can be toxic to cells.
- A Chemical version of sodium-Sodium molybdate. It has been proven to affect negatively the fertility of animals.
Carrol’s Call to Action
In September 2015, Carol wrote in Inner Strength Body Work that the “swill” from Hospice is vile, and nothing but a collection of sugars, starches, nutritional powders, and artificial flavors all mixed into water. She states that those who can’t make a difference between real and fake food, might not object to consuming products from Ensure, but she knows what real and healthy food is, so she asks for support. Carol wrote that she wouldn’t feed this horrible swill even to a dying animal, and she likes us to use social media to grab hospital management’s attention about this huge problem. She encourages a fight for proper and decent food. Via Live Love Fruit
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