Take 8 Teaspoons of Coconut Oil and Improve Your Brain Function Immediately




If you've experienced Alzheimer’s disease first hand, you know the fear that comes with thinking that you will end up developing it someday. However, it is quite encouraging to learn that studies have begun making breakthroughs in discovering solutions to some of the problems affecting brain health today. You see, coconut oil has been the subject of many studies, and especially when related to your brain's performance. It's played into the curious minds of researchers for a long time now. However, until the millennium when researchers went full throttle on the effects of coconut on brain health, there was scanty information concerning the matter. We only knew that coconut oil had a vast array of health benefits. Thankfully, it now emerges that 8 teaspoons of coconut oil (40 ml) could improve the different aspects of your brain function. Let's delve into the matter and see how this is possible.

Maintaining Your Brain Function and Health to Prevent Dementia

There's a lot of advice littering the web out there about how you should stay healthy. Search the words ''how to improve brain function'' and Google will literally bombard you with a billion results. Be specific by typing the words ''Coconut Oil Improves Brain Function Immediately'' and you will still see a number of scientific studies coming up on the first page. Isn't this a good thing anyway? As far as the human diet is concerned, coconut oil is at the top of the priority list, and there are many reasons why that is so. Dr. Mary Newport published a book in 2011 with the title “Alzheimer’s Disease: What If There Was a Cure? The Story of Ketones.” She says her husband has shown remarkable improvements through regular use of coconut oil. In other circles though, the topic tends to feel rather controversial. But when it comes to concerns related to cognitive health, many people feel that it's worth the effort.  

How 8 Teaspoons of Coconut Oil Can Significantly Improve the Condition of Your Brain

The best coconut to use is the organic, non-hydrated, cold-pressed virgin coconut oil. Even though the word ''oil'' appears in its name, it shouldn't frighten you because this is only a natural oil that is heart-friendly, it doesn't bring cholesterol and trans-fats into the body. The effects of coconut oil tends to be temporary, which is why individuals are advised to take 8 teaspoons on a frequent basis. According to an Be Brain Fit on the same subject, Alzheimer’s and dementia patients who rely on coconut oil see remarkable improvements in both short and long term period. It is also important to take note of the direction of this research. It heavily supports Dr. Newport’s theory on the fact that ketones, which are considered a by-product of fat breakdown in the body, will always play a vital role in brain health. In other words, medical researchers are of the view that by enhancing ketone levels (which is found in coconut oil) in the body, we could significantly improve cognitive functions of the brain.

How Medium Chain Tri-glycerides Work to Improve Brain Functions

Medium chain tri-glycerides, also known as MCTs, have been shown to cause remarkable improvement in performance of the brain in those who suffer from cognitive problems. The mechanism behind the working of MCTs relies on the brain's metabolic needs and the structure of MCTs themselves. Whereas the human energy-hungry brain depends on glucose to generate energy, problems begin occurring the moment insulin resistance or sub-optimal metabolism is present in the brain. In fact, both the structure and functions of the brain are compromised. Now, ketone is said to provide the energy source alternative that the brain badly needs to sustain its metabolic needs. Therefore, it emerges that when the brain is fed with enough ketone, it results in immediate improvement of its cognitive functions, hence the 8 teaspoons of coconut oil -- perhaps on a daily basis. In addition, it should be noted that MCTs are not similar to most fats in structure. They tend to be smaller, and they don't form micelles. Again, they are not stored in adipose tissues. It's surprising to realize that the average diet contains long chain triglycerides of between 14-18 carbons, while a diet with MCTs only has shorter lengths of 5 to 12 carbons, and this makes it easier for MCTs to get absorbed into the brain. That's the greatest advantage that researchers see where MCTs and brain performance is concerned. Therefore, it may just be true that 8 teaspoons of coconut oil is all you need. References: Be Brain Fit | Green Med Info Source: Green Med Info