What Will Happen if You Spray Your Bed with Alcohol?




Alcohol is commonly used as a disinfectant or for removing adhesive substances. But did you know that it can be used for other purposes as well, including being an ingredient in many cosmetic products?

1. Deodorant Replacement

There’s no need to panic if you have forgotten your deodorant when going somewhere. If you just rub some alcohol on your armpits, you will eliminate the bacteria that cause the bad odor. If you wonder where to find alcohol, it’s there in your first aid kit. However, use it temporarily, as long exposure to alcohol can cause skin irritation.

2. Remove Bed Bugs

Bed bugs can be hard to eliminate. They can sneak home with you after vacation, or after staying in someone’s home that’s not very hygienic. You can kill them with the help of rubbing alcohol. Use a spray bottle to spray some over your pillow and mattress, and do this several times to completely get rid of these nasty pests.

3. Destroy Lice

Rubbing alcohol can help in cases of lice. Pour rubbing alcohol into a spray bottle, and add several drops of lavender oil. Focus on your scalp and hair when spraying the solution, and comb your hair to remove the dead lice.

4. Remove Nail Polish

Common nail polish removers contain various harsh chemicals that can damage the nails. The best replacement for chemical acetone is rubbing alcohol. Although you might need more time to remove your nail polish, you will prevent them from being damaged.

5. Clean Your Skin

A lot of commercially bought ointments and creams for acne contain benzoyl peroxide. But rubbing alcohol possesses strong anti-inflammatory and soothing effects which soothe the affected skin, prevent further acne appearance, and disinfect the existing pimples. Just apply some of it directly to the affected skin area.

6. Cool Pack

If you store alcohol in the fridge, it won’t freeze. This means you can use it to make a cooling pad. Prepare a solution of water and alcohol in a 2:1 ratio, and keep it in a sealable plastic bag in the fridge. Remove as much air from the bag as you can, before placing it in the fridge. The solution should stay in the fridge for around an hour before using it as an ice pack, or to cool, for instance, your meal on a hike.

7. Clean Your Ears

A majority still use cotton swabs to clean their ears, although using those means pushing the earwax deeper into the ear canal. Combine some rubbing alcohol and white vinegar, and soak a cotton swab in the solution. Drop it into your ears to allow the earwax to remove on its own.

8. Remove Ingrown Hairs

Shaving your bikini area and armpits might leave your skin with red dots. Applying some rubbing alcohol will alleviate any irritation and leave your skin smooth.

9. Cold Sores

Although around 85 percent of the world population carries the herpes virus, only a small percentage of them have experienced a breakout. In case you are one of them, apply 70 percent isopropyl alcohol on the affected area and your herpes sores will disappear quickly.

10. Clean Eyeglasses

Use some rubbing alcohol to make your eyeglasses streak-free and clean. Just spray them and then wipe them with a soft cloth.

11. DIY Hand Sanitizer

Rubbing alcohol is an excellent homemade hand sanitizer. Prepare a solution using ½ tablespoon of isopropyl alcohol, several drops of tea tree oil, and 4 ounces of Aloe Vera gel. See the whole process in the following video:

Via Simple Capacity | Nature's Nurture